The Depth of CONSCIOUSNESS is ONE and ONLY. From this One Depth projects the Perception, the Ego (every ego) as a complex of perceptions and behaviors within the various spaces and times...
CONSCIOUSNESS (our present consciousness) is the Gate of Life and Loss. When CONSCIOUSNESS is absorbed in superficial activities it leads to an outer life and finally gets lost in the "space of imagination"...
When all these activities are discarded the Infinite Depth of IS emerges. For this to happen we don't need to do anything. The more we try to do something, the more we get entangled in the net of activity and sink into the realm of imagination. We must discard all these efforts and surrender to Who We Really Are. When we are completely abandoned we will emerge into IS.
Then... there will be no Depth, no surface... no nothing...
One Reality all... From here begins the Inner Journey, to the Inner States, worlds... And beyond These, the Vast Divinity...
CONSCIOUSNESS (the present consciousness) is constantly in activity. Whether we are absorbed in this activity or try to control it, we are in the same state of activity. That's not the way. We must calmly look at the activities and let them develop without getting absorbed somewhere. After some indeterminate period of time all this ceases to matter. Then it's time to let them go. The First Exit from the fantastic is in the Pure Perception that embraces all of Existence. It is the World Spirit. But this is not the Ultimate Reality. And This will have to be abandoned in order to Emerge into ALL THAT IS.
We Are What We Are Forever. We don't have to become something. These notions (thinking that we must become something) are nonsense of thought. When all the futile activities of the mind are exhausted that Who We Really Are is revealed. We don't need to do anything. We simply have to surrender to What We Really Are by rejecting the activity of thought. So simply, to relax, to abandon ourselves, to emerge in the Infinite, in the Eternal. Misconceptions spur us into activity and we feel anxious to become something. Thus we remain in the cycle of activity and cannot "understand" What We Really Are. In the end it seems extremely difficult for us to do nothing. To sit quietly, just like that, to do nothing. This is the Supreme Wisdom. And while it is so simple, so easy and so comfortable and complete, we cannot do it. Meditation is not activity, it is doing nothing, the end of activity.