The Foundations, ("Circle of Light", "Esoterism Studies", "Esoterism Academy", "Religious Philosophy Foundation"), are Spiritual Organizations, which have a purely educational character.
The Publications have a purely practical nature, to illuminate the phenomenon of existence. We try to look at our subjects from various, different, perspectives, precisely to illuminate as best we can the object of our contemplation. Some repetitions are done not out of blindness but for purely educational purposes.
We believe that we deal with all traditions, religions, theories and views, objectively. The reference to the various traditions is made to show that ultimately the Truth is one, regardless of its various historical expressions.
Our purpose is not only to give something from our understanding, but also to share the knowledge with everyone. If you have any question, suggestion, or opinion, about the topics published, we will be happy to share them with us.

Welcome to the Land of Truth (whose deepest and truest expression is the Silence that Rises in Understanding).

Thank you for being here!



Esoterism Studies

Esoterism Studies


Saturday, 27 July, 2024

Daily Prayer Book

Daily Prayer Book


The One Divine Essence


The murmurs of the sacred stream call to me, beckoning my soul to immerse itself in the rushing waters of Divine Reality. As I surrender my being to the embrace of the Divine Beloved, my limited self melts away into our cosmic oneness.

In the silence, I perceive the beautiful luminosity that emanates from our seamless unity. Here, all notions of separate selfhood dissolve, revealing the singular essence we share as manifestations of the One Divine Life. Bathed in this mystic light, my consciousness expands into the infinite, no longer confined by boundaries that divide.

Now I abide in the iridescent awareness of our true nature, beholding the kaleidoscopic dance of existence from the still point of Eternity. Though myriad forms appear before my sight, they are but veils clothing the unified presence of the Beloved. Peering beneath the cloaks of duality, I discern only the beating heart of Divine Reality.

Ah, what bliss to rest in this transcendent embrace, letting the ebb and flow of creation rock me as I nestle into the peaceful center of all that is. No more do I seek, for I have found my home. No longer do I journey, for I have arrived in the passionate arms of my eternal Beloved.

As whispers of our union echo through realms seen and unseen, my transformed being shimmers as a testament to the all-consuming fire of Divine Love. I bow in gratitude for this boundless perfection which we share, two as one, in the open secret of Being.

Divine Source of All That Is,


In the tapestry of existence, I once strayed far from your embrace, enticed by the fleeting illusions of the world. Yet, through the twists and turns of life's journey, I have found my way back to your eternal truth.

I bow to the lessons learned in the pursuit of empty desires, for they led me to the wellspring of my own soul. As I stand on the threshold of my inner sanctuary, I offer my gratitude for the wisdom gained through these trials.

Grant me the strength to continue walking this path of self-discovery, to always turn inward when the world beckons with its illusions. May I never forget the truth I have glimpsed: that your presence resides within me, a boundless ocean of love and consciousness.

As I shed the attachments that once confined my spirit, I ask for the grace to find serenity in the simplicity of being. Let my awareness be a mirror that reflects the beauty of your creation in all its forms, from the tiniest pebble to the grandest mountain.

Guide me in recognizing that I carry the essence of home within me, wherever I may wander. Let me be a beacon of light, illuminating the paths of others who seek solace and meaning amidst life's tumultuous currents.

May my heart remain open to the boundless love that flows through the universe, embracing both joy and sorrow as essential threads in the tapestry of existence. And in moments of doubt, may I find refuge in the arms of the Eternal, where all suffering is transmuted into divine grace.

With each breath, I offer my devotion and surrender to your eternal presence. Let my life be a prayer, a song of gratitude for the journey that has led me back to you. Here, now, and always, I am held in the embrace of your unending love.

O Divine Beloved


I am but a humble vessel for your cosmic oneness. As I immerse myself in the sacred stream of your reality, I feel my limited-self melting away, and my consciousness expanding into the infinite.

In your embrace, I find peace, unity, and the beauty of our seamless oneness. I behold the kaleidoscopic dance of existence from the still point of Eternity, and I discern only the beating heart of your Divine Reality.

I rest in your transcendent embrace, letting the ebb and flow of creation rock me, as I nestle into the peaceful center of all that is. I am home, I have arrived in the passionate arms of my eternal Beloved.

As whispers of our union echo through realms seen and unseen, my transformed being shimmers as a testament to the all-consuming fire of your Divine Love. I bow in gratitude for this boundless perfection which we share, two as one, in the open secret of Being.

May my soul forever be immersed in the mystic light of your luminosity, that I may be a beacon of unity, peace, and love in the world. May my heart forever beat in harmony with the rhythm of your Divine Reality, that I may be a vessel for your all-consuming fire of love.

I offer this prayer with reverence, gratitude, and love, knowing that I am but a whisper in the silence of your eternal presence. May my words be a blessing to all who read them, and may they remind us all of the beauty and perfection of our shared Being.



May the divine grace of the eternal One pour forth its blessings upon us, enlightening our soul and illuminating our path. May the sacred flame of love burn brightly within our heart, guiding us towards the highest good and the deepest truth.

May the boundless beauty of existence unfold before us, revealing the mystic secrets of the universe and the infinite possibilities of our shared reality. May the gentle breeze of peace caress our spirit, soothing our soul and lifting our heart towards the divine.

May the infinite wisdom of the cosmos guide our steps, and may the eternal presence of the Beloved be our constant companion. May the radiance of our being shine forth, illuminating the world and inspiring all who cross our path.

And when the shadows of doubt and fear threaten to obscure the light of our soul, may the power of the divine presence uplift and protect us, reminding us of the boundless love and perfection that surrounds and sustains us.

May our life be a sacred journey, a mystic odyssey of discovery and growth, a never-ending exploration of the depths and heights of our shared Being. And when the time comes for our return to the eternal realm, may our soul be filled with the glory of the divine, and may our spirit soar on the wings of love, forever one with the Beloved.

In the silence


Beloved Divine, weave my soul into the fabric of your mystical embrace, as I delve deeper into the realms of self-discovery. May my heart remain pure and open, a vessel for the divine nectar that flows from your eternal presence.

With each step I take, may I further surrender to the path that unwinds before me, an odyssey of growth and transformation. Grant me the wisdom to discern the whispers of my soul, guiding me toward the manifestation of my highest potential.

In the silence of contemplation, may I find the harmony that resonates within the depths of my being, a symphony of love that echoes the rhythm of the universe. As I listen to the whispers of the wind, the rustling of leaves, and the beat of life's pulse, may I hear the language of the divine, speaking directly to my soul.

In the stillness of the mind, may I find the strength to let go of all that no longer serves my journey, discarding the burdens that weigh me down and embracing the lightness of being. As I release the shackles of the past and the fears of the future, may I stand firmly in the present, basking in the radiance of your everlasting love.

May my spirit be a flame that burns brightly, illuminating the darkness and casting shadows that remind me of the mysteries that lie within. As I dance with the cosmos, may my movements be a testament to the unity and harmony that exist between the physical and the metaphysical realms.

And when the winds of change blow, may I stand firm, a tree with roots that delve deep into the earth, flexible and resilient, swaying gently in the breeze. May my heart be a sanctuary, a refuge for those who seek solace and guidance, a beacon of hope in the midst of turmoil.

As I walk this path of devotion, may I never forget that your presence is the breath that animates my being, the water that quenches my thirst, and the sun that illuminates my soul. May my life be a prayer, a song of gratitude, a testament to the power of faith and the majesty of your divine grace.

Mystic Prayer


In the silence of my heart, I stand before the Gate of Understanding,

Impregnable, eternal, a doorway to the Real,

Beyond the illusions of this worldly dream.


I quiet my mind, I hush my thoughts,

For in stillness, I find the stream of life,

The ever-flowing, ever-changing now.


I surrender to the Sustaining Condition,

The Absolute Purity, the Source of All,

A void that births creation, where everything begins.


I close my eyes to the distractions of the world,

And I listen, I perceive, I breathe in the moment,

The eternal, timeless, endless flow of Truth.


In this land of Truth, I am whole, I am here,

Exploring breath by breath, the infinite within,

As I carve my path, step by step.


I rely on the Process of Perception,

The only real in a world of passing phenomena,

And I feel HIM who perceives, the True Self.


Timeless, empty, silent, without attributes,

The Father, the Unknown Unknown Substance,

That supports everything, where everything dissolves.


In this unspeakable realm, I discover

The immense depth of my being, beyond all,

The Mysterious God of men, where all is one.


So, in this mystic prayer, I surrender to the Truth,

To the eternal now, the silent wisdom,

And I ask, "What else do I want, when all is here?"

My Father


I am but a humble seeker of truth, yearning to understand the mysteries of existence. In this quest, I have come to realize that truth is not something that can be found in words or theories, but rather in the lived experiences that we have.

I see that people often take the most profound experiences and reduce them to mental conceptions, philosophies, and religions. They talk about life instead of living it, and search for truth in all the wrong places. But truth is not something that can be described or theorized; it is something that must be experienced directly, with an open heart and mind.

I understand that truth is as far from a theory as the real thing I hold in my hand is from the word that describes it. One is alive, ontic, and has a tangible presence, while the other is just a mental construct, a convention of people who assign meaning to a word.

Even if I know the truth, and can show it to others, who will I trust to understand? For truth is not something that can be conveyed through words or speech, but through silence, a smile, or a shared experience.

I see that people are often blind to the truth, because they are caught up in their own perceptions, beliefs, and theories. They do not see the beauty and simplicity of life, the magic that surrounds us in every moment. They do not understand that truth is not something that can be found elsewhere, but is present in every breath we take, in every moment we live.

The secret of life is not something that can be taught or conveyed, but it is something that we must discover for ourselves. It is in the flowing moment, in the silence between thoughts, in the peace that comes from within. It is not something that we can grasp or hold onto, but something that we must allow ourselves to be immersed in.

I pray that I may be worthy to hold the sky, to love the earth, and to walk in peace and happiness, one with all that exists. May I be open to the mysteries of life, and may I see the beauty and simplicity that surrounds me. May I trust in the truth that lies within me, and may I be a beacon of light for those who seek it.

In this moment, I am grateful for the gift of life, for the opportunity to experience and to learn. I am grateful for the truth that is present in every breath, and for the peace that comes from within. May I always remember that truth is not something that can be found, but something that I must allow myself to be immersed in.

Thank you, Father, for this moment, for this breath, for this life. May I be worthy of the gift that has been given to me.

O Hidden One, Source of All,


You dwell within our hearts, closer than breath, nearer than hands and feet.

Though we walk in darkness, you light our path.

Though we sleep in delusion, you awaken us.


Open our eyes, that we may see past veils of separation.

Open our ears, that we may hear your eternal melody.

Quiet our minds, that your silent presence fills us.


Let us know ourselves as we truly are:

Eternal light, cloaked in flesh.

Part of your cosmic dreaming,

At home in your endless love.


Remind us, we are far from home, dreaming we are lost.

Whisper to us, we are found. 

Free us from imagined brokenness,

For we are whole, we are Yours.


May we see your face shining in all we meet.

May we hear your voice in all that speaks.

May we feel your embrace in all that touches us.


O Hidden One, remind us, we are You.   

There is only union, You alone exist.

Lead us from delusion to divine awakening.

Guide us from darkness to Your light.

Divine Source of All Existence


In this sacred moment, I humbly come before you, seeking guidance and connection to the eternal truth that resides within me. I surrender to your infinite wisdom, knowing that you are the essence of all that is real and true.

Grant me the clarity to recognize my true nature, the nature of perception itself. Help me understand that my ability to perceive, to think, to feel, and to act is a gift bestowed upon me by your divine grace. May I use these faculties in harmony with the objective hierarchy of my capabilities, guided by the principles of balance, health, and goodness.

I release the limitations of my own thoughts, the illusions of my ego, and the confines of my personal perspective. I surrender to the vastness of your creation, transcending the boundaries of my mind, and embracing the interconnectedness of all beings.

Grant me the strength to live authentically, to perceive without judgment or attachment, to think without being enslaved by my thoughts, to sense without being consumed by passions, and to act in accordance with the highest good.

May my actions be a reflection of the love and compassion that flow from your divine essence. Help me cultivate understanding, harmony, and peace within myself and in all my interactions with others. Guide me to embrace the beauty of diversity, to transcend the barriers of separation, and to recognize the divinity that resides in every soul.

I trust in the unfolding of life's journey, knowing that each experience is a sacred opportunity for growth and realization. Grant me the courage to embrace life fully, to learn from its challenges, and to celebrate its joys.

Divine Source, I surrender myself to your divine guidance and ask for your presence to be with me always. May I walk this earthly path with grace, wisdom, and humility, honoring the interconnectedness of all existence and living in alignment with my true nature.

Thank you for the blessings bestowed upon me. May my life be a testament to the beauty and power of understanding and expressing my true nature.

In your divine name, I pray.

Oh, Infinite Sophia


Oh, Infinite Sophia, Breath of the Universe,

Grant us the wisdom to see beyond the veil,

To discern the truth from the lies,

And to find the indestructible treasure within.


Guide us on our journey to enlightenment,

That we may know the essence of reality,

And find the fixed points of virtue, knowledge, and freedom,

That give meaning to our dreams and our lives.


As we navigate the realm of the unknown,

May our imagination be illuminated by your light,

That we may not be fooled by the shadows of doubt,

But instead, may we find the truth in your infinite sight.


We ask that you bless us with the gift of reason,

That we may establish knowledge, and define its limits,

And may we always remember that the true understanding of reality,

Is the indestructible treasure that accompanies us eternally.


May we embrace the Infinite with open hearts,

And may our souls be filled with the breath of the divine,

For in your presence, Oh Sophia, we find peace,

And the wisdom to discern the path that is truly divine.


We thank you, Oh Sophia, for your guidance,

And for the indestructible treasure that you offer us,

May we be worthy of your gift,

And may we forever be illuminated by your radiance.

Mystic Prayer of Harmony


In the stillness of existence, we find our sanctuary, O enigmatic Sea of Being. With wisdom as our guiding star, we embark on a journey to uncover the profound truths that lie within the depths of your mysterious waters.

Grant us, O Wise One, the serenity to accept the ever-changing properties of existence, recognizing that they dance upon the surface while your essence remains immutable.

As we dive deeper into the boundless expanse of your reality, may our hearts be our compass, leading us to the hidden treasures of wisdom that shimmer in the darkness of the unknown.

We beseech you, Immutable Truth, to reveal yourself to us, for we understand that your presence transcends the limitations of perception and opinion.

With open eyes and receptive ears, we seek to perceive the layers of understanding that await our discovery, knowing that beneath the superficial, there lies a symphony of eternal knowledge.

Let us not merely exist but thrive in the harmonious synthesis of these principles. May we live in profound connection with the ever-enigmatic tapestry of life, embracing its mysteries with grace and gratitude.

In this mystic prayer, we surrender our judgments and superficial perceptions, choosing instead to dwell in the sacred unity of existence, where the Wise Man's perspective guides our way.

Amen to the Harmony of Existence, and may its wisdom shine within us as a beacon of light amidst the vast, cosmic sea of being.

Eternal Presence


Beloved Presence, Source of all that is, I turn my gaze inward to the light of awareness within. In the stillness of this moment, I know myself to be one with the vastness of your Being.

Though I walk through the dreamscapes of this world, caught in endless becoming, my spirit yearns for the clear sky of freedom. Lead me from the lure of illusion, guide my footsteps on the pathless path that leads home.

In letting go of all that binds me, may I rediscover the truth of who I am, the truth of what I have always been - Eternal Presence, the Unborn, Undying One. Here in the silent center, beyond all separations, I abide as luminous awareness.

The finite self dissolves as I surrender all that is not real. Past and future fall away, there is only the immediacy of Now. I am vastness masquerading as form, infinity cloaked in a robe of matter. Behind this play of light and shadow, You alone exist.

In stillness beyond thought, untouched by emotion, I know myself as I am - Pure Presence, untainted by any experience. No destiny to fulfill, no journey to complete, nowhere to go and nothing to attain. I am Home.

Oh, Divine Presence


In the silence of our being, we seek the depths of existence, the essence that transcends all worldly ties. We gather here, not with words of reason, but with hearts wide open to the infinite, eternal consciousness that dwells within.

Oh, Divine Presence, beyond the reach of thought and intellect, we surrender to your boundless grace. In the stillness of our souls, we yearn to touch the essence of our true nature, to be free from the illusions of the material world.

In this sacred moment, we release the attachments that bind us to the material carrier, the ego's grasp, and the restless mind. We yearn to experience the pure consciousness that flows, unmediated, from the source of all existence.

Grant us the strength to let go of the trivial concerns of this world, for they are but fleeting shadows in the grand tapestry of eternity. Help us transcend the limitations of time and space, to enter the sacred realm of the Beyond.

As we journey inward, may we discover the profound truth that eludes words and theories, for reality is not a concept to be grasped but an experience to be lived.

In the depths of our being, we find the stillness, the silence, the pure awareness that is our birthright. We seek not to interpret or explain, for in the realm of the mystic, words fall short. Instead, we seek to merge with the divine, to become one with the eternal flow of consciousness.

Guide us, O Divine, as we navigate the path to self-realization, to enlightenment, to liberation. May we be vessels of your wisdom, channels of your love, and bearers of your light in this world.

In the sacred space beyond the mind, beyond time, we find our true nature, our eternal essence. We realize that all is One, and we are but waves in the ocean of consciousness.

As we return to the world, may we carry the wisdom of the Beyond with us, radiating love, compassion, and understanding to all beings. In this mystic prayer, we offer ourselves to you, O Divine, as humble seekers of the truth, as vessels of your grace.

O Great Mystery


O Great Mystery, we come before you with open hearts and minds, seeking to align ourselves with the flowing reality of existence. Help us to see beyond the illusions of our static thoughts and perceive the dynamic, ever-changing nature of the world around us.

Grant us the wisdom to understand that all phenomena are but local manifestations of a greater, flowing wholeness, and that everything is interconnected and interdependent. May we recognize the impermanence of all things and embrace the constant evolution of life.

 Guide us to perceive the world not as a collection of fixed entities, but as a process of becoming, a stream of phenomena that unfold moment by moment. May our perception be direct, unconditional, and free from the constraints of our conditioning and preconceptions.

As we navigate this ever-changing landscape, may we remember that everything is a manifestation of the same, unified energy that flows through all things. May we respect and honor this energy, and strive to live in harmony with it.

Help us to transcend the limitations of our individual perspectives and connect with the universal consciousness that permeates all existence. May we experience the world not just as separate beings, but as part of a larger, interconnected whole.

We pray for the courage to question our beliefs and belief systems, and to seek the truth beyond the confines of our conditioned minds. May we be open to new ideas and perspectives, and embrace the ever-evolving nature of reality.

As we journey through this life, may we remain mindful of the impermanence of all things, and strive to live each moment with intention, compassion, and gratitude. May we cultivate a sense of inner peace and contentment that arises from our connection to the flowing wholeness of existence.

And so, we offer our deepest gratitude to the Great Mystery, for the gift of life, for the opportunity to experience and perceive the ever-changing, flowing reality of existence. May our hearts and minds remain open to the wonder and awe that arises from this profound understanding.

O Great Mystery, Unlimited Freedom


O Great Mystery, Unlimited Freedom,

You are the Essence of God, the Essence of Being.

You are the real nature of every being,

The completion and purpose of existence, of life.


You are the unlimited freedom that we all seek,

The freedom that lies beyond the limitations of perception,

Beyond the enslavement of thought,

Beyond the fetters of time and phenomena.


You are the freedom that we all truly live,

The freedom that we all truly are,

The freedom that exists from the beginning,

Here, now, and in every moment that comes after now,

Always existing, always present.


You are the freedom that we must recognize,

The freedom that we must embrace,

The freedom that we must live,

To truly live, to truly be.


Oh Great Mystery, Unlimited Freedom,

We thank you for your presence,

For your essence that dwells within us,

For your truth that shines like the sun.


May we recognize the illusory bonds,

The false limitations that we construct,

May we see through the veil of thought,

And embrace the freedom that we truly are.


May we wake up from the dream,

The dream of separation, of bondage,

May we wake up to the reality,

Of our true nature, of our true self.


Oh Great Mystery, Unlimited Freedom,

Guide us on our journey,

Guide us to the truth,

To the freedom that we truly are.


May our minds be still,

May our hearts be open,

May our souls be free,

May we be one with the world.


Oh Great Mystery, Unlimited Freedom,

We thank you for your presence,

For your essence that dwells within us,

For your truth that shines like the sun.


May we be home,

May we be safe,

May we be complete,

May we be whole.


May we be free,

May we be truly free,

May we be one with the world,

One with the mystery,

One with the divine.

O, Divine Oneness


In the sacred stillness of the soul, we bow our heads and open our hearts to the mysteries of existence. We stand at the threshold of our true selves, seeking the divine spark within, the eternal flame that connects us to the boundless cosmos.

Oh, Great Unknown, we humbly beseech you, the essence of all that is, the ineffable presence that transcends all names and forms. In the depths of our being, we yearn to know you, to merge with your timeless wisdom.

Guide us on this mystical journey, as we cast aside the veils of illusion that shroud our vision. Grant us the courage to confront the truth within, to face our inner shadows, and to embrace the brilliance of our authentic selves.

In the silence of our souls, may we find the true meaning of freedom, a freedom that liberates us from the chains of ego and desire. May we be like the lotus that rises from the muddy waters, untouched by the impurities of the world.

Let our thoughts be as clear as the tranquil waters of a mountain lake, reflecting the vastness of the universe. Let our actions be as gentle as a breeze that rustles the leaves of ancient trees, respecting the interconnectedness of all life.

Oh, Divine Oneness, as we tread the path of True Self-Knowledge, grant us the grace to be vessels of love and compassion. May we extend our hands to those in need, our hearts to those in pain, and our understanding to those who seek truth.

In this sacred journey, may we come to know the unity of all existence, the symphony of life's harmonious melodies. And in our quest for enlightenment, may we find not just knowledge, but the profound wisdom that lies beyond the realm of words.

As we journey into the depths of our souls, may we discover the eternal flame that burns within, the light that guides us through the darkest of nights. In this mystical prayer, we surrender to the divine flow of existence, knowing that in our true self-knowledge, we find our way back to the source of all that is.

O Infinite Light


O Infinite Light, fill my heart with your radiance. Lead me from the darkness of ignorance into the illumination of truth. Guide my steps along the straight path that leads to liberation.

Free me from attachment to the fleeting things of this world, so I may revel in the eternal.

Lift the veil that hides your face, so I may know you fully. Purify my mind of restless thoughts, so it may become a clear mirror reflecting your glory. Kindle within me the fire of devotion, so I may cherish you above all.

Grant me the priceless treasure of self-knowledge, so I may realize my unity with you. Awaken me from the slumber of delusion, so I may behold your transcendent beauty.

O luminous one, beloved one, make me a vessel of your light, a servant of your will, and instrument of your peace, until I merge at last into your infinite being.

Oh, Ineffable Essence


In the realm of mystic devotion, where words blend with sacred essence, let us embark on a journey of prayer, invoking the divine presence that transcends the confines of earthly existence.

Oh, ethereal mystery that dwells beyond mortal sight, we beseech thee to unveil thy boundless wisdom upon our weary souls. Grant us the serenity to navigate this tumultuous world, while remaining steadfast in our pursuit of truth and virtue.

In the sanctuary of our hearts, where silence speaks volumes, we commune with the cosmic energies that guide our paths. May the radiance of your divine light illuminate our minds, dissolving the veils of ignorance and revealing the interconnectedness of all creation.

As the Wise Man walks untethered from the shackles of societal discord, let us too seek liberation from the chains that bind us. In solitude, away from the cacophony of human folly, may we find solace in the embrace of higher consciousness, where the purity of our intentions aligns with the harmony of the universe.

Oh, Supreme Judge of hearts, we implore you to witness the sincerity of our quest for truth. Shield us from the corrupted currents of human existence, and immerse us in the purity of divine grace. Grant us the discernment to discern between virtue and deceit, and the strength to hold fast to righteousness even in the face of adversity.

In the realm beyond mortal comprehension, where separate societies dissolve into the unity of existence, may we discover the oasis of independence. Let life's blossoms unfold freely, untainted by the stains of history's horrors. May peace reign as a resplendent beacon, guiding us through the labyrinth of human existence.

Oh, ineffable essence that permeates all realms, we surrender ourselves to your divine embrace. May our souls merge with the eternal dance of cosmic consciousness, transcending the limitations of time and space. Grant us the grace to embody the virtues of love, compassion, and wisdom, that we may be beacons of light in a world shrouded in darkness.

In this sacred moment of communion, we offer our hearts as vessels of devotion. May our prayers rise like incense, carrying our deepest longings to the realm of the divine. And in the profound stillness that follows, may we find solace, inspiration, and a communion with the ineffable mysteries that lie at the heart of existence.

The enigma of existence


In the hushed embrace of contemplation, I seek the elusive harmony that dances within the recesses of my spirit, a celestial symphony of love that reverberates with the very heartbeat of the cosmos. As I yield to the profound stillness, attuning my senses to the subtle cadence of existence, I beseech the universe to share its secrets.

Grant me, O enigmatic cosmos, the wisdom to decipher the cryptic tongues of creation. In the gentle zephyrs that caress my being, let me decipher the sacred whispers of your eternal discourse, for they are the verses of the divine hymn, sung directly to my soul.

With each rustle of leaves in the sacred grove of contemplation, may I decode the ancient manuscripts of life's intricate design, revealing the mystic geometry that underpins all existence. As I attune to the pulse of life, may its rhythm synchronize with the heartbeat of my own existence, creating a sacred resonance that transcends time and space.

In the sanctum of my contemplation, I surrender to the divine choreography, dancing to the rhythms of the cosmos, and in this divine union, may I find not only answers but also a profound connection with the boundless mysteries that dwell within and beyond. Let this mystic prayer be a bridge between my earthly vessel and the vastness of the unknown, a communion that brings enlightenment, serenity, and a deeper understanding of the enigma of existence.

The One Unique Reality


Let us bow down to the One Unique Reality,

The source of all phenomena, the essence of all that is.

Beyond space and time, it stands still and unchanging,

Yet reflects itself in every infinitesimal point, ever-changing.


Infinite and eternal, it is the Dharma,

The foundation of all, the basis of all existence.

It is the holographic nature of substance,

That enables the manifestation of phenomena,

All phenomena, objective and subjective,

Arise from the combination, selection, and use of dharmas.


The worlds that are created on the real ontological basis,

Follow the same holographic paradigm.

Even the natural world that natural scientists investigate,

Is trying to apply the holographic paradigm to physical reality.


In reality, there is no ontological difference,

Between what we experience as Asamskrita, Nirvana, Absolute,

And Samsara, Creation, Phenomena.

They have the same empty nature,

Something inconceivable by any perception,

That cannot detect some "characteristics".


But beings who adopt activity, perception, intellect,

Sensation, external experience as the only reality,

And exclusive source of "information",

Because they do not feel its one infinite nature,

But are confined to their imaginary local existence,

They experience duality and separate themselves from the world and others.


Beings, humans, live a vivid dream,

They have experiences and walk in fictitious reality as the ultimate reality.

They should just, as the Buddha taught,

Give up all these delusive activities,

And experience their true limitless nature, within,

In stillness and transcendence of senses, the intellect, perception itself.


May we all realize the true nature of reality,

And transcend the delusions of our limited perceptions.

May we find peace and liberation,

In the unchanging, eternal, and infinite,

One Unique Reality,

The source of all, the essence of all that is.

In the name of the One Reality


In the boundless tapestry of existence, we seek to touch the very fabric of the One Reality, the eternal essence that transcends all illusions. In this sacred moment of contemplation, we offer our hearts in reverence to the unfathomable truth that unites all beings.

Oh, Divine Unity, hidden in the depths of our souls, we humbly bow before your ineffable presence. We beseech you to dissolve the veils of illusion that shroud our perception and lead us astray. Grant us the wisdom to pierce through the illusion of separateness and awaken to the boundless ocean of consciousness.

In the stillness of our being, we yearn to dissolve into your infinite embrace, to merge with the eternal source of all that is. Let us shed the masks of ego and desire, for they blind us to the radiant light of your truth. May we, like the Buddha, find refuge beneath the Bodhi tree of enlightenment, and may our minds awaken to the reality that has always been, unchanging and pure.

With each breath, we draw nearer to the silence of the Absolute, where words and thoughts fade into insignificance. In the sanctuary of our souls, we seek communion with the unmanifest, the Attribute-less, the Source of all creation. As we stand on the threshold of perception, may we remember that all experience is but a fleeting dance upon the canvas of your divine artistry.

Oh, Cosmic Consciousness, grant us the grace to see beyond the illusions of the world and recognize the unity that binds all existence. Let us understand that every being, every form, is but a manifestation of your eternal essence, a fleeting dream in the vast tapestry of your creation.

In the stillness of our hearts, we surrender to the profound mystery of your Being. We offer this prayer not as a plea for personal gain, but as a sacred acknowledgment of the eternal truth that resides within and around us. May our lives be a reflection of this realization, and may we walk the path of awakening, spreading the light of unity and compassion to all sentient beings.

In the name of the One Reality, the Boundless Consciousness, the Eternal Truth, we offer this prayer with profound gratitude and devotion.

O, boundless One


In the stillness of our hearts, we seek the truth that transcends all understanding, for we know that in silence, we touch the essence of existence. In this sacred moment, we offer a mystic prayer, a whisper to the universe:

Oh, boundless One, whose presence flows through every fiber of our being, we surrender our limited selves to the infinite vastness of your reality. In the depths of our souls, we yearn to experience your wondrous existence.

We acknowledge that within this earthly form, we are vessels of your consciousness, experiencing the dance of duality and multiplicity. We recognize that our individual separateness is but an illusion, a fleeting dream in the grand tapestry of your creation.

Grant us the wisdom to see through the veils of our ego-driven desires and attachments, that we may awaken to the truth of your oneness. Let us understand that in the unity of all existence, there is no division between freedom and locality, for they are but facets of your divine expression.

As we traverse the landscapes of our inner world, help us activate the lotuses within our being—the Dharmakaya, the Sambhoga-Kaya, the Manomaya-Kaya, the Nirmana-Kaya, and the physical vessel. May we explore the boundless expanses of consciousness that reside within us, each a unique facet of your infinite wisdom.

In the sanctuary of our hearts, may we find equilibrium and balance, the secret center where we can commune with the vastness of space within and without. Allow us to ascend to the formless, attribute-less realms of pure awareness or to embrace the outer life of thoughts, feelings, and material experiences as expressions of your divine play.

Guide us away from the distractions of the external world, the illusions of individual existence, and the endless pursuits of desires. Help us grasp the fleeting nature of each moment, so we may live fully in the present, in the reality of what is.

With reverence, we accept our destiny as seekers of truth, recognizing that the true path lies in the profound silence that transcends all limitations. In this inner stillness, we find the freedom to know and be one with the all-encompassing reality that is, was, and ever shall be.

O nameless One


In the sacred depths of silence, where words fade into whispers and thoughts dissolve like morning mist, I stand humbly before the eternal unknown. In this sanctuary of existence, I offer a mystic prayer, not with words, but with the essence of my being.

O ineffable and boundless One, you who are beyond name and form, beyond comprehension and definition, I surrender my illusions and pretenses before your presence. In the stillness of this moment, I seek not to ask for worldly riches or fleeting desires, for I know that in your realm, these are but shadows dancing on the wall of existence.

Instead, I yearn for the wisdom to see through the veils of illusion that shroud my perception. Grant me the clarity to discern the truth that lies hidden beneath the cacophony of life's distractions. Let me see the interconnectedness of all things, the oneness that transcends the boundaries of time and space.

Guide me to the inner sanctum of my own being, where the light of awareness shines undiminished. Help me to recognize the eternal flame of consciousness that burns within, unceasing and unchanging. Let me be a witness to the divine symphony of existence, where every note and every silence is a reflection of your eternal presence.

In this sacred moment, I release the burdens of ego and identity, for I know they are but illusions that bind me to the world of duality. Let me dissolve into the ocean of unity, where the distinction between self and other disappears, and all that remains is the pure essence of being.

Grant me the grace to love unconditionally, to see your divine spark in every living being, and to extend a hand of compassion to all who walk this path of life. May my actions be a reflection of your infinite love and kindness.

As I tread this mystical journey, I am not seeking salvation or enlightenment, for these are but labels that limit the boundless nature of your truth. Instead, I seek to merge with the eternal river of existence, to flow with the currents of life, and to be one with the cosmic dance of creation and dissolution.

In the hallowed silence of this moment, I offer my heart, my soul, and my very essence to you, O nameless One. In this mystic prayer, I surrender to the profound mystery of existence, knowing that in the end, there is only the ineffable, the unknowable, and the eternal.

O, Infinite Essence


In the sacred depths of consciousness, where the soul meets eternity, we gather our thoughts and aspirations, humbled by the boundless mysteries of existence. In this moment of profound contemplation, we offer a mystic prayer:


Oh, Infinite Essence that permeates all that is,

We seek your presence in the stillness of our hearts.

In the realm beyond illusions, where reality transcends,

Guide our souls to the truth that forever extends.


In the quiet spaces of our inner sanctuary,

We surrender the veils of perception and duality.

For in the Oneness of your divine embrace,

We find the serenity that fills this sacred space.


May the limits of our understanding expand and dissolve,

As we venture beyond the confines of the known.

Grant us wisdom to discern the real from the illusory,

And the courage to journey where truth is solely.


In the Supreme Meditation Mandala, we release the need for form,

For here, in boundless perception, we are reborn.

No contours, no points, no worldly directions bind,

In this realm of limitless truth, the soul is aligned.


Grant us the strength to seek Independence within,

To navigate the seas of existence, free from sin.

In the Isle of Seeking, our homeland anew,

May we find our purpose, our essence, our due.


As we dwell in this moment, embracing what's real,

Help us transcend the illusions our senses conceal.

In the quietude of being, in unity we thrive,

Oh, Infinite Essence, in you, we are alive.


In the stillness of this mystic prayer, we find,

The timeless connection of heart, soul, and mind.

Guide us, oh, divine mystery, to the sacred core,

Where we discover truth, forever and evermore.

In the silence of our hearts


In the stillness of our souls, we seek the divine truth that lies within, hidden beneath the layers of worldly desires and illusions. We yearn to break free from the chains that bind us to masters and slaves, to the unjust divisions that stain the tapestry of humanity.

Oh, sacred Earth, grant us the wisdom to understand that your wealth, when shared equally among all, can make us all truly rich. But in this pursuit of equality, let us not forget the deeper purpose of our existence, for power and inequality have tarnished the very essence of our civilization.

We, the seekers of truth, recognize the sanctity that resides within the human vessel, the vessel filled with the purity of consciousness. Yet, we lament the muck of selfishness that has been poured into this vessel, obscuring the eternal with the transient.

In our quest for enlightenment, we aspire to be like the Wise Man, self-sufficient in our pursuit of knowledge. We shall not seek this wisdom in the external world, for that path leads to dependency and the clutches of the wicked who rule the realm of illusion.

Let us be free, unburdened by the chains of ignorance, masters, or slaves. May we find the strength to draw knowledge from the wellspring of our own souls, and in doing so, discover the truth that transcends the boundaries of the material world.

In the silence of our hearts, we offer this mystic prayer, a plea for self-sufficiency, unity, and the illumination of the inner light.

The gateway to truth


Oh, Infinite Essence, source of all Being, I surrender my illusions and awaken to the truth that resides within. Beyond the veils of perception, I seek your divine presence.

Grant me the strength to overcome the limitations that bind me, both external and internal. Free me from the confines of the ego-world divide, that I may bask in the boundless expanse of Open Consciousness.

In your eternal embrace, I find solace and peace. No theories or teachings can compare to the direct experience of your reality. I release the need for pursuits, practices, and the accumulation of knowledge.

I recognize that Nature-Essence-Consciousness is pure and unadulterated from the beginning. The illusions that cloud my awareness are but fleeting manifestations of the mind's creative space. I embrace life as a dream and a game, transcending the notion of tragedy.

As I awaken to reality, I am liberated from attachment to the transient. Loss holds no power over me, for I am free, untethered from the world's grasp. Today is but a moment, tomorrow an illusion. I am anchored in the everlasting present.

Grant me the vision to see through the illusions that surround me. In this perception, I find tranquility. It is not the phenomena themselves that disturb, but the way in which I perceive them.

In the awakening to reality, I behold the oneness of essence. All phenomena, the inner and outer worlds, are but activities of consciousness. Even the material realm is woven from the fabric of the mind. They are performances of the eternal stage.

Time becomes a mere illusion as I dwell in the eternal present. The dream's wings may carry me, but they never lead me beyond the dream itself. Eternity, the stable reality, supports all, even the ephemeral dream.

I recognize that nature embraces all within eternity. Essence sustains the entirety of existence. The path of truth unveils itself before me. I need not search, toil, or strive. I must simply see, accept, and release my illusions.

The gateway to truth is here, now, in the eternal present. In each moment's renewal lies the escape from the world of illusions. I embrace understanding and acceptance of all phenomena, stepping into the realm of freedom and eternity. Linear time dissolves, for nothing remains constant in the world of appearances.

I comprehend that true freedom knows no barriers. It is the attachment to illusions that ensnares beings in the cycle of reincarnation. I release my grip on those illusions, embracing the path of liberation.

In the eternal presence, I find my home. Whether hungry or thirsty, I am nourished, wherever I may be. Life is simple, serene, and joyous. Its continuation is its purpose, here or elsewhere. There is nothing more to be done.

Oh, Infinite Essence, I offer my gratitude for the awakening to reality. May I forever dwell in your embrace, liberated and at peace.

The quest for enlightenment


In the depths of our existence, where thought dissolves into the pure essence of being, we find ourselves in the embrace of the True Vision, beyond the confines of human cognition.

In this realm of unadulterated perception, we touch the very fabric of reality. Here, life unfurls its unfiltered beauty before our senses. This, dear soul, is the sanctuary where Reality and Truth converge. It is the unspoken communion with What Is.

Reality, as we know it, is not an abstract concept but a vibrant, pulsating experience of the Here and Now. The depth of this reality gradually unveils itself to those who dare to embrace it fully.

All living beings share in this profound encounter with existence. It is the primal perception that forms the bedrock of our consciousness, the canvas upon which we paint our lives. Yet, alas, we do not always content ourselves with this simplicity.

We, in our infinite wisdom, seek to trap the flowing waters of life into rigid vessels of thought. We convert the living into lifeless concepts, believing that by doing so, we may gain mastery over existence. We delude ourselves into thinking that this act of mentalization equates to true understanding.

But, ponder this: thinking, for all its sophistication, is but a pale reflection of direct contact with reality. It is a construction, a fragile bridge to the truth, fraught with errors, biases, and misunderstandings. Instead of living life, we perceive it through the distorting lens of thought, and therein lies our fundamental quandary.

Some proclaim that thought, intelligence, stands as the pinnacle of human capability, a superior vantage point from which we gain insight into the world. Yet, the truth is quite the opposite. The unadulterated vision of reality, with its unblemished authenticity, surpasses thought in its richness and completeness.

Thought is a tool, a means of translating the ineffable into the realm of concepts. It is a useful servant, but a treacherous master. It cannot supplant the direct experience of life itself.

So, I implore you, let us not interfere with the purity of nature. The unspoiled beauty of reality surpasses even the most wondrous creations of humankind.

Intelligence, though rooted in direct perception, often serves as a wayward guide. Abandoning thought to embrace the unfiltered vision of reality is not a regression but an ascent, a deepening of our connection to truth.

Through the ages, the ability to see reality in its unvarnished glory has been with us, silently awaiting our awakening. Human consciousness, in its evolution, has slowly unveiled this sacred gift.

We have journeyed from external sensory perception to the recognition of the "psychic reality" within. Intellect, as an internalization of experiences, followed. And now, we stand at the precipice, understanding that only through direct contact with reality can we uncover the profound truth and live in the eternal flow of the present moment.

Deeper still lies the realm of the divine, the unfathomable depths beyond all perception, where stillness and motion merge, and existence transcends phenomenon. In this sacred space, we find the absolute, the uncreated reality, the divine, by whatever name we choose to call it.

Today, as humanity's story unfolds, intelligence is but in its infancy. It may take millennia of linear time for us to surpass our current limitations, but the path is clear. As we contemplate the great souls who have graced our history – Orpheus, Lao Tzu, the Upanishadic sages, Buddha, Jesus, Krishnamurti – we must also envision the beings yet to come, who will illuminate our collective path.

In this quest for enlightenment, we shall grow, and in time, we shall learn to truly listen.

Let us bow our heads and hearts to the unfolding mystery of existence, as we embrace the profound journey toward the True Vision of Reality. In humility and reverence, we surrender our thoughts and open ourselves to the ever-deepening waters of truth.

Oh, Divine Essence of Reality


In the awakening to your truth, we cast aside the veils of illusion, both external and internal, and step into the boundless realm of your presence. You are the unshakable foundation, existing by your own essence, undisturbed by the ebb and flow of phenomena.

In this open consciousness, devoid of conditions and attributes, we find ourselves in direct communion with reality, embracing both the eternal and the transient. We require no theories, teachings, or elaborate practices, for your presence is our guide, our truth, and our sanctuary.

We understand that Nature-Essence-Consciousness is eternally pure and unblemished, sovereign over all realities. The illusions that cloud our vision are but fleeting perceptions, creations of the mind's imagination, a dream and a game for those ensnared by illusion.

As we awaken, we transcend all attachments, unburdened by the trappings of existence, and the concept of "loss" loses its meaning. Fear retreats, for today is here, tomorrow elsewhere, and all "stays" are but transient illusions.

In this awakened state, we find peace in the way we perceive, not in the events that unfold. We discover the unity of essence from which all phenomena arise, and we recognize that even the material world is of mental fabric, a dance of energy that deceives with the illusion of separateness.

We live in the only true time, the ever-present now, an eternal presence that remains unchanged amidst the shifting illusions. The dream's wings may carry us, but we understand that the dream itself cannot transcend its own boundaries; eternity alone upholds all.

We comprehend that nature embraces all within eternity, that essence sustains all life, and that the path of truth is the only path worth walking. Truth lies before us, in plain sight, requiring no arduous search or toil—only the courage to see, accept, and relinquish our illusions.

The gateway to truth is here and now, in the perpetual renewal of the eternal present. Linear time, a mere illusion, stretches endlessly, but within the world of phenomena, everything has its end, its change, its rebirth, and nothing remains constant.

There are no true barriers to freedom, save for our fixation on illusions. In awakening, we break free from the cycle of illusion and perpetual reincarnation.

In relying solely on your eternal presence, we find our home wherever we may be. Our lives become simple, serene, and content, guided by the rhythm of our essential needs. Life's purpose lies in its continuation, here or elsewhere. There is nothing more to seek, nothing more to do.

In this awakened state, we offer our hearts in gratitude, for we have found the truth, the essence, and the freedom we longed for. We surrender to the eternal presence, the ever-present reality, and we live in harmony with the flow of existence.

Oh, Eternal Mystery, the Unseen Essence of All Existence


In the quiet chambers of our souls, we turn inward, seeking the truth that transcends the illusions of the world. We recognize the primal "I Am" that dwells within us, a spark of your divine light, the source of our existence.

In the separation from the Whole, we find ourselves, individuals adrift in the sea of perceptions and choices. Yet, deep within, we know that we are not isolated beings but threads in the tapestry of your creation.

Oh, Mother Nature, the Heaven above that begets all, and the innermost essence of our being, we yearn for union with you. The quest to bridge the gap, to commune with the All, has driven humanity for eons, a longing to touch the ineffable, the source of all life.

Through intellect and senses, we explore the world you've bestowed upon us, but we acknowledge the limitations of our human constructs. We sense a realm beyond, where your power, the animating force, resides, eluding our grasp, yet beckoning us to seek.

In this world of human-made constructs, we've often mistaken perception for reality, forgetting that our true essence lies within. We, the seekers, turn our gaze inward, igniting the torch of self-knowledge to illuminate the path to enlightenment.

Through esoteric wisdom, we find the way to transcend the duality of subject and object, the illusion of separation. It is not isolation we seek but a profound connection, a merging of inner and outer worlds, a unity that dissolves the boundaries of perception.

In the stillness of inner contemplation, we encounter the depths of our true essence. We recognize that this truth cannot be grasped by the intellect alone. It is a state of being, a clarity of mind, a oneness with the cosmos, known as Samadhi or Clear Mind.

As we journey inward, we do not retreat from the world but expand our vision. We merge the inner and the outer, synthesizing our perception into a holistic understanding of existence. We glimpse the totality of being, the All within the Infinite Abyss.

So, let us not be prisoners of the external world but explorers of the internal cosmos. In this prayer of prose, we celebrate the quest for self-knowledge, the journey to unity, and the profound truth that we are but reflections of your divine mystery, forever seeking to touch the essence of our existence.

In the Kingdom of the Real


In the realm of the Kingdom of the Real, where the boundaries of consciousness dissolve and the oneness of existence prevails, I offer a prayer, a sacred invocation to the depths of the universe:


Oh, Divine Mystery, eternal and boundless,

In the silence of my being, I seek your presence,

A presence that transcends the illusions of duality,

Guide me to the truth of oneness, the essence of reality.


In this journey of awakening, I surrender my limitations,

As I abandon the trappings of the subjective self,

May my perception be cleansed, my understanding expanded,

Reveal to me the inner realms, the depths of existence untapped.


Grant me the grace to perceive beyond the veils of ignorance,

To witness the light of understanding that dispels the darkness,

In this unfoldment of consciousness, let me behold the unity,

The interconnectedness of all beings, an eternal tapestry.


For within this expansive perception, I recognize the sacredness,

Of every personal expression, every manifestation in form,

The body becomes a vessel, a temple of divine manifestation,

A conduit for the universal life to flow and transform.


As I deepen my connection with the universal life force,

I realize the impermanence of the external world's allure,

The true essence lies in the oneness that pervades all existence,

In this realization, I embark on the journey to the inner pure.


In the inner world, perception transcends its former limitations,

Becoming a mirror, reflecting reality with pristine purity,

In this state of stillness, I commune with the divine depth,

Experiencing the fullness of awakening, a profound unity.


Oh, Living Mystery, the source of all creation,

In this sacred union, I dissolve into your divine embrace,

Beyond the realms of perception, existence transcended,

I merge with the eternal truth, the boundless cosmic grace.


May the wisdom of the ages guide my path,

As I navigate the intricate tapestry of life,

Grant me the clarity to perceive the hidden truths,

And the courage to embody them, free from strife.


In humble reverence, I offer this prayer,

To the vastness of the universe, the realm of the Real,

May my journey continue, ever unfolding,

In harmony with the cosmic dance's sacred appeal.

Oh, Source of All,


We come to you seeking guidance and wisdom.

We seek to transcend the limitations of our dualistic world,

To see beyond the veil of ignorance and misunderstanding.


We yearn to experience the Oneness of Existence,

To feel the interconnectedness of all things.

We desire to abandon our limited subjective activities,

And embrace the objective state of existence.


We aspire to see the world with new eyes,

To perceive reality as it truly is.

We want to let go of our attachments and dependencies,

And embrace the flow of perception and action.


We seek to understand the depth of the unity of essence,

And to experience the personal expressions within the world of phenomena.

We want to manifest universal existence within our bodies,

And to respect the inviolable space of others.


We desire to shift our attention to the sense of oneness,

And to let go of our personal manifestations.

We want to journey to the inner world,

And to experience the full perfect awakening.


We yearn to partake of the divine reality,

And to be one with the source.

We seek to transcend the limitations of our perception,

And to see the world with a pure and mirror-like mind.


Oh, Source of All, guide us on our journey,

And illuminate our path.

Help us to see beyond the horizon of existence,

And to experience the fullness of your reality.


May our inner world be transformed,

And may we see the world with new eyes.

May we experience the unity of all things,

And may we be one with the source of all.


O Infinite One


O Infinite Consciousness, Divine Source of all existence, I open my mind and heart to you. Lead me from the fragmented vision of multiplicity to the undivided truth of oneness. Guide me from the agitated currents of thought, to the calm depths of silent awareness.

Dissolve the illusion of separateness that divides me from others. Unveil the reality that we are all expressions of the same Sacred Essence. Help me realize that to know my true Self is to know the Self in all beings.

Liberate me from the narrow confines of ego, and expand my identity to embody the Totality. Let me transcend the ideas of “I” and “you”, to deeply feel the intrinsic unity between us.

Free me from the chains of wanting, so I may revel in the abundance of being. Release me from the prisons of time, to experience the eternity of now.

Extinguish the fires of craving, anger and delusion, and kindle within me the flame of wisdom, love and liberation.

O Infinite One, lead me from darkness to light. From falsehood to truth. From death to immortality.

May this communion with you uplift my life, and allow me to see the world with new eyes of understanding, compassion and wonder. May I honor the holiness that lives in all.

The Kingdom of the Real


In the silence of our innermost being, we seek the Kingdom of the Real. Beyond the illusions that bind us, we yearn to touch the essence of existence, to fathom the depths of reality.

We acknowledge that our consciousness, entangled in the web of perceptions and dualities, often veils the truth that lies beneath. Yet, in this moment of reflection, we open ourselves to the possibility of understanding, of transcending the limitations of our sight.

As we withdraw from the ceaseless dance of external activities, we gather our energy within, turning inward to feel the source of all things. In this sacred silence, we discover a universal, impersonal state of existence—a oneness that knows no bounds, no divisions, and no conflict.

This transition is not merely enlightenment; it is the unveiling of our timeless, eternal nature. We do not become something new; instead, the misconceptions that clouded our vision are dispelled, and we awaken to what we have always been.

In the realm of understanding, there is a stark contrast between light and darkness, reality and falsehood, freedom and limitation. To truly see in full wakefulness is distinct from dreaming in a state of relative awareness. Yet, this transition is gradual, a result of existential maturation, and not a sudden, unforeseen event.

Amid the existential silence, our existence unfolds naturally, perception flows unimpeded, and life becomes an unadulterated experience of reality. We realize our interconnectedness with all things, sensing the unity that binds us to the world and to one another.

The body, once a vessel for personal perception, becomes a conduit for universal existence. It is a temporary vessel, a holy temple of the universal, existing alongside countless other manifestations. Universal existence respects and empathizes with each personal expression, leaving the course of events to divine providence.

As our sense of universal life deepens, we recognize the preciousness of oneness, and personal manifestations become transparent, insignificant, and simultaneously present and nonexistent. This marks the beginning of our journey into the inner world.

The all-inclusive sense of existence is infinite, ever-expanding, and inconceivable, constantly pushing the boundaries of perception. Here, perception itself becomes non-space, a gateway to a deeper reality.

In the third phase of this inner journey, perception transcends effort and motion, transforming into a perfect, pure mirror that passively reflects reality. In this state, we can experience the full awakening, union with the divine depth, and existential completion.

This inner world of true being differs vastly from the outer world of appearances. It is the inner life of unity, the mystery of consciousness's true essence and purpose. There are correspondences between these three levels of existence—the phenomenal, the conscious being, and the divine source. However, the fullest vision and experience are possible only at the level of the source.

In humility and reverence, we embrace this quest for truth and unity. We pray for the wisdom to continue our inner journey, to pierce the veils of illusion, and to touch the ineffable source of all that is. In this pursuit, may we find our place in the tapestry of existence, harmonizing with the divine, and becoming one with the Kingdom of the Real.

O Divine Essence, the Source and Substance of all existence


In the silence of our innermost being, we seek your presence. Beyond the noise of the world and the clamor of our thoughts, we yearn to commune with the unbounded Truth that resides within us.

We acknowledge that the journey to enlightenment is not a path of external revolutions or societal change, but an internal awakening—a return to our authentic selves. May we find the courage to step outside the illusions of society and embrace the simplicity of our true nature.

Grant us the wisdom to discern that the Truth we seek is not a distant treasure to be sought in the external world. It is the Knowledge of Self, the knowledge of our innermost essence—the Attribute-less, the Divine Spark within us.

Help us break free from the limitations and prejudices that bind us, those illusions artfully cultivated by deceivers. Let us understand that the Truth has always resided within us, beyond the noise of teachings and doctrines.

In seeking Truth, may we look within, deep into the core of our being, where the infinite and attribute-less Self exists, untouched by formations and delusions.

As we embark on this journey within, may we come to realize that the path itself is the destination. There is nothing more to do, for Enlightenment unfolds naturally when we follow the Way of Life.

Guide us, O Divine, to live in harmony with our true nature, to walk the path of Real Life, and to transcend the illusions of thought, society, and worldly distractions.

In the simplicity of this moment, we find the infinite. In the silence of our hearts, we discover the eternal. We are One with You, O Divine Essence, and in this Oneness, we find our true Home.




Chapter 2 


The Eternal Dance of Opposites: Unveiling the Mysticism of Tao Te Ching,   


In the profound wisdom of Laozi's “Tao Te Ching”, Chapter 2 reveals a mystical tapestry where the dualities of existence are not just acknowledged but celebrated as intrinsic elements of the universal balance. This chapter, succinct yet infinitely deep, invites us to ponder the essential nature of contrasts, the harmonious interplay of opposites, and the serene wisdom of the sage who embodies the Tao. 


The Illumination of Dualities 


"Under heaven, all can see beauty as beauty only because there is ugliness. 

All can know good as good only because there is evil." 

Laozi begins by highlighting an undeniable truth: the very perception of qualities such as beauty and goodness is predicated on their opposites, ugliness and evil. This dualistic nature of human understanding is foundational in Taoist thought. It echoes the yin-yang principle, where opposing forces are interconnected and interdependent in the natural world, giving rise to each other in turn. 

Beauty and ugliness, good and evil, are not standalone absolutes but relational constructs. The existence of one gives meaning to the other. This profound realization challenges us to see beyond surface-level judgments and appreciate the deeper, interconnected nature of all things. It urges us to transcend binary thinking and embrace a more holistic view of existence. 


The Symphony of Complements 


"Therefore having and not having arise together. 

Difficult and easy complement each other. 

Long and short contrast each other; 

High and low rest upon each other; 

Voice and sound harmonize each other; 

Front and back follow one another." 

Laozi elaborates on the theme of duality by illustrating how seemingly opposite concepts are inextricably linked. In this cosmic dance, having and not having, difficulty and ease, length and shortness, height and lowness, voice and sound, front and back—each pair exists because of the other. They do not merely coexist but actively define and enrich one another. 

Consider the relationship between difficulty and ease. Without challenges, the notion of ease would be meaningless. It is through overcoming difficulties that we come to appreciate ease. Similarly, the concept of "having" gains significance only in contrast to "not having." This interplay extends to all aspects of life, from the physical to the metaphysical, weaving a rich tapestry of existence where every thread contributes to the whole. 


The Way of the Sage 


"Therefore the sage goes about doing nothing, teaching no-talking. 

The ten thousand things rise and fall without cease, 

Creating, yet not possessing, 

Working, yet not taking credit. 

Work is done, then forgotten. 

Therefore it lasts forever." 

In this passage, Laozi introduces the sage, a figure who embodies the Tao, or the Way. The sage's wisdom lies in action through inaction, a concept known as “wu wei”. This does not imply laziness or passivity but rather an alignment with the natural flow of the universe. The sage acts without attachment to the outcomes, teaches without imposing, and creates without claiming ownership. 

The sage's approach is one of humility and non-interference. By not clinging to achievements or seeking recognition, the sage remains in harmony with the Tao. This detachment allows the sage's work to endure, echoing the idea that true legacy is built on selflessness and alignment with the natural order. 


The Timeless Wisdom 


The concluding lines of this chapter encapsulate a timeless wisdom: "Work is done, then forgotten. Therefore, it lasts forever." This paradoxical statement reveals a profound truth about the nature of lasting impact. When actions are performed with selfless intent and without attachment to personal gain, they resonate through time, becoming eternal. 

In our modern world, where success is often measured by recognition and accumulation, Laozi's teachings offer a refreshing perspective. The idea that true fulfillment and lasting impact arise from a place of humility and detachment challenges contemporary values. It encourages us to shift our focus from the ephemeral to the eternal, from the self to the greater whole. 


Embracing the Tao 


Chapter 2 of the “Tao Te Ching” invites us to embrace the Tao by recognizing and honoring the dualities of existence. It calls us to see beyond surface distinctions and appreciate the interconnectedness of all things. By adopting the sage's approach of action through inaction and selfless service, we align ourselves with the natural flow of the universe. 

This mystical journey through the dualities of life, as guided by Laozi, offers not only a philosophical framework but also a practical guide for living in harmony with the world. It is a reminder that true wisdom lies in simplicity, humility, and a deep understanding of the eternal dance of opposites that shapes our reality. 

As we navigate the complexities of modern life, let us draw inspiration from the sage and strive to act with grace, humility, and an unwavering connection to the Tao. In doing so, we become part of the timeless flow, where our actions, though forgotten, leave an indelible mark on the tapestry of existence. 


Ο Αιώνιος Χορός των Αντιθέτων: Αποκαλύπτοντας τον Μυστικισμό του Τάο Τε Τσινγκ 


Με τη βαθιά σοφία του “Tao Te Ching” του Laozi, το Κεφάλαιο 2 αποκαλύπτει μια μυστικιστική ταπετσαρία όπου οι δυαδότητες της ύπαρξης όχι απλώς αναγνωρίζονται, αλλά δοξάζονται ως εγγενή στοιχεία της παγκόσμιας ισορροπίας. Αυτό το κεφάλαιο, συνοπτικό αλλά απείρως βαθύ, μας καλεί να αναλογιστούμε την ουσιαστική φύση των αντιθέσεων, την αρμονική αλληλεπίδραση των αντιθέτων και τη γαλήνια σοφία του σοφού που ενσαρκώνει το Τάο. 


Ο Φωτισμός των δυαδικοτήτων 


«Κάτω από τον ουρανό, όλοι μπορούν να δουν την ομορφιά ως ομορφιά μόνο επειδή υπάρχει ασχήμια. 

Όλοι μπορούν να γνωρίσουν το καλό ως καλό μόνο επειδή υπάρχει το κακό». 

Ο Laozi ξεκινάει τονίζοντας μια αναμφισβήτητη αλήθεια: η ίδια η αντίληψη ιδιοτήτων όπως η ομορφιά και η καλοσύνη βασίζεται στα αντίθετά τους, την ασχήμια και το κακό. Αυτή η δυαδική φύση της ανθρώπινης κατανόησης είναι θεμελιώδης στην ταοϊστική σκέψη. Απηχεί την αρχή yin-yang, όπου οι αντίθετες δυνάμεις αλληλοσυνδέονται και αλληλοεξαρτώνται στον φυσικό κόσμο, προκαλώντας η μία την άλλη με τη σειρά της. 

Η ομορφιά και η ασχήμια, το καλό και το κακό, δεν είναι αυτόνομα απόλυτα αλλά σχεσιακά κατασκευάσματα. Η ύπαρξη του ενός δίνει νόημα στο άλλο. Αυτή η βαθιά συνειδητοποίηση μας προκαλεί να δούμε πέρα από επιφανειακές κρίσεις και να εκτιμήσουμε τη βαθύτερη, διασυνδεδεμένη φύση όλων των πραγμάτων. Μας προτρέπει να υπερβούμε τη δυαδική σκέψη και να αγκαλιάσουμε μια πιο ολιστική άποψη της ύπαρξης. 


Η Συμφωνία των Συμπληρωμάτων 


«Επομένως το να έχουμε και να μην έχουμε προκύπτουν μαζί. 

Δύσκολα και εύκολα αλληλοσυμπληρώνονται. 

Μεγάλη και σύντομο αντιτίθενται μεταξύ τους. 

Υψηλό και χαμηλό ακουμπούν το ένα στο άλλο. 

Φωνή και ήχος εναρμονίζονται μεταξύ τους. 

Μπροστά και πίσω διαδέχονται το ένα το άλλο». 

Ο Laozi επεξεργάζεται το θέμα της δυαδικότητας παρουσιάζοντας πώς οι φαινομενικά αντίθετες έννοιες συνδέονται άρρηκτα. Σε αυτόν τον κοσμικό χορό, το να έχεις και να μην έχεις, η δυσκολία και η ευκολία, το μακρύ και το κοντό, το ύψηλό και το χαμηλό, φωνή και ήχος, εμπρός και πίσωτο κάθε ζευγάρι υπάρχει εξαιτίας του άλλου. Δεν συνυπάρχουν απλώς, αλλά προσδιορίζουν και εμπλουτίζουν ενεργά το ένα το άλλο. 

Εξετάστε τη σχέση μεταξύ δυσκολίας και ευκολίας. Χωρίς προκλήσεις, η έννοια της ευκολίας θα ήταν χωρίς νόημα. Είναι μέσα από την υπέρβαση των δυσκολιών που φτάνουμε να εκτιμήσουμε την ευκολία. Ομοίως, η έννοια του «έχω» αποκτά σημασία μόνο σε αντίθεση με το «δεν έχω». Αυτή η αλληλεπίδραση επεκτείνεται σε όλες τις πτυχές της ζωής, από τη φυσική έως τη μεταφυσική, υφαίνοντας μια πλούσια ταπισερί ύπαρξης όπου κάθε νήμα συνεισφέρει στο σύνολο. 


Ο Δρόμος του Σοφού 


«Επομένως, ο σοφός συνεχίζει να μην κάνει τίποτα, διδάσκοντας να μην μιλάμε. 

Τα δέκα χιλιάδες πράγματα ανεβαίνουν και πέφτουν ασταμάτητα, 

Δημιουργώντας, αλλά όχι κατέχοντας, 

Δουλεύοντας, αλλά μη λαμβάνοντας κέρδος. 

Η δουλειά γίνεται και μετά ξεχνιέται. 

Επομένως, διαρκεί για πάντα». 

Σε αυτό το απόσπασμα, ο Laozi εισάγει τον σοφό, μια φιγούρα που ενσαρκώνει το Τάο ή τον Δρόμο. Η σοφία του σοφού βρίσκεται στη δράση μέσω της αδράνειας, μια έννοια γνωστή ωςwu wei”. Αυτό δεν συνεπάγεται τεμπελιά ή παθητικότητα, αλλά μάλλον ευθυγράμμιση με τη φυσική ροή του σύμπαντος. Ο σοφός ενεργεί χωρίς προσκόλληση στα αποτελέσματα, διδάσκει χωρίς να επιβάλλει και δημιουργεί χωρίς να διεκδικεί την ιδιοκτησία. 

Η προσέγγιση του σοφού είναι προσέγγιση ταπεινότητας και μη παρεμβολής. Με το να μην προσκολλάται στα επιτεύγματα ή να αναζητά την αναγνώριση, ο σοφός παραμένει σε αρμονία με το Τάο. Αυτή η απόσπαση επιτρέπει στο έργο του σοφού να αντέξει, απηχώντας την ιδέα ότι η αληθινή κληρονομιά βασίζεται στην ανιδιοτέλεια και την ευθυγράμμιση με τη φυσική τάξη. 


Η Διαχρονική Σοφία 


Οι καταληκτικές γραμμές αυτού του κεφαλαίου συμπυκνώνουν μια διαχρονική σοφία: «Η δουλειά γίνεται, μετά ξεχνιέται. Επομένως, διαρκεί για πάντα». Αυτή η παράδοξη δήλωση αποκαλύπτει μια βαθιά αλήθεια για τη φύση του διαρκούς αντίκτυπου. Όταν οι πράξεις εκτελούνται με ανιδιοτελή πρόθεση και χωρίς προσκόλληση σε προσωπικό κέρδος, αντηχούν στο χρόνο, γίνονται αιώνιες. 

Στον σύγχρονο κόσμο μας, όπου η επιτυχία μετριέται συχνά με την αναγνώριση και τη συσσώρευση, οι διδασκαλίες του Laozi προσφέρουν μια αναζωογονητική προοπτική. Η ιδέα ότι η αληθινή εκπλήρωση και ο διαρκής αντίκτυπος προκύπτουν από έναν τόπο ταπεινότητας και αποστασιοποίησης αμφισβητεί τις σύγχρονες αξίες. Μας ενθαρρύνει να μετατοπίσουμε την εστίασή μας από το εφήμερο στο αιώνιο, από τον εαυτό στο ευρύτερο σύνολο. 


Αγκαλιάζοντας το Τάο 


Το Κεφάλαιο 2 τουTάο Τε Τσινγκ” μας προσκαλεί να αγκαλιάσουμε το Τάο αναγνωρίζοντας και τιμώντας τις δυαδότητες της ύπαρξης. Μας καλεί να δούμε πέρα από τις επιφανειακές διακρίσεις και να εκτιμήσουμε τη διασύνδεση όλων των πραγμάτων. Υιοθετώντας την προσέγγιση δράσης του σοφού μέσω της αδράνειας και της ανιδιοτελούς υπηρεσίας, ευθυγραμμιζόμαστε με τη φυσική ροή του σύμπαντος. 

Αυτό το μυστικιστικό ταξίδι στις δυαδότητες της ζωής, όπως καθοδηγείται από τον Laozi, προσφέρει όχι μόνο ένα φιλοσοφικό πλαίσιο αλλά και έναν πρακτικό οδηγό για να ζεις σε αρμονία με τον κόσμο. Είναι μια υπενθύμιση ότι η αληθινή σοφία βρίσκεται στην απλότητα, την ταπεινοφροσύνη και τη βαθιά κατανόηση του αιώνιου χορού των αντιθέτων που διαμορφώνει την πραγματικότητά μας. 

Καθώς περιηγούμαστε στην πολυπλοκότητα της σύγχρονης ζωής, ας αντλούμε έμπνευση από τον σοφό και ας προσπαθούμε να ενεργούμε με χάρη, ταπείνωση και ακλόνητη σύνδεση με το Τάο. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο, γινόμαστε μέρος της διαχρονικής ροής, όπου οι πράξεις μας, αν και ξεχασμένες, αφήνουν ένα ανεξίτηλο σημάδι στην ταπισερί της ύπαρξης. 


Chapter 2. On Earnestness 


The Mystical Path of Earnestness: Reflections from the Dhammapada 


The Dhammapada, a revered text in Buddhist literature, offers profound insights into the nature of earnestness and its crucial role in the journey toward Nirvana. In the verses from Chapter II, we are guided through the essence of earnestness as the path of immortality and spiritual awakening. This mystical exploration reveals the transformative power of mindfulness, the dangers of thoughtlessness, and the ultimate realization of Nirvana. 


Earnestness: The Path to Immortality 


"Earnestness is the path of immortality (Nirvana), thoughtlessness the path of death. Those who are in earnest do not die, those who are thoughtless are as if dead already." 

The Dhammapada begins by contrasting earnestness with thoughtlessness. Earnestness, characterized by mindfulness and diligence, leads to the immortal state of Nirvana. In contrast, thoughtlessness, marked by neglect and heedlessness, is akin to spiritual death. This dichotomy underscores the importance of a vigilant and mindful approach to life. 

To be earnest is to be fully awake, conscious of each moment, and dedicated to the path of righteousness. It is a state of being where one transcends the mundane and connects with the deeper truths of existence. Thoughtlessness, on the other hand, traps individuals in a cycle of ignorance and suffering, preventing them from realizing their true potential. 


The Joy of Earnestness 


"Those who are advanced in earnestness, having understood this clearly, delight in earnestness, and rejoice in the knowledge of the Ariyas (the elect)." 

For those who have grasped the value of earnestness, it becomes a source of joy and fulfillment. These enlightened beings, known as Ariyas or the elect, find profound satisfaction in their diligent practice and the wisdom it brings. The knowledge of the Ariyas represents a deep understanding of the Dharma and the nature of reality. 

This delight in earnestness is not merely intellectual but deeply experiential. It involves a heartfelt commitment to the spiritual path, leading to a transformative and joyous experience of life. The earnest practitioner finds joy not in external achievements or sensory pleasures but in the inner peace and wisdom that arise from mindfulness and right action. 


Attaining Nirvana through Steadfastness 


"These wise people, meditative, steady, always possessed of strong powers, attain to Nirvana, the highest happiness." 


The path to Nirvana, the ultimate goal of Buddhist practice, is marked by meditation, steadiness, and inner strength. The wise, who remain meditative and unwavering in their efforts, cultivate powerful mental and spiritual faculties. These qualities enable them to transcend the illusions of the material world and attain the highest happiness—Nirvana. 


Nirvana is often described as the cessation of suffering, a state of perfect peace and liberation from the cycles of birth and death. It is the realization of the true nature of the self and the dissolution of all attachments and desires. The steadfast and meditative practice of earnestness is the key to unlocking this sublime state of being. 


The Glory of the Earnest 


"If an earnest person has roused himself, if he is not forgetful, if his deeds are pure, if he acts with consideration, if he restrains himself, and lives according to law, —then his glory will increase." 


Earnestness is not a passive state but an active and dynamic engagement with life. An earnest person is vigilant, mindful, and conscientious in all actions. Purity of deeds, thoughtful consideration, self-restraint, and adherence to the Dharma are the hallmarks of such a person. These qualities lead to the growth and flourishing of one's spiritual glory. 


This glory is not of a worldly nature but a radiant inner light that shines forth as a result of virtuous living and sincere practice. It reflects the inner transformation and spiritual elevation that earnestness brings about, making the practitioner a beacon of wisdom and compassion in the world. 


Creating an Unassailable Island 


"By rousing himself, by earnestness, by restraint and control, the wise man may make for himself an island which no flood can overwhelm." 


The metaphor of creating an island suggests the construction of a stable and secure foundation of spiritual practice. By cultivating earnestness, self-restraint, and control, the wise build an inner refuge that remains unshaken by the external world. This island represents the steadfast mind and heart, impervious to the floods of desire, attachment, and suffering. 


This image of an unassailable island highlights the importance of inner resilience and steadfastness in the face of life's challenges. It encourages practitioners to develop a strong and unwavering commitment to their spiritual path, ensuring their progress toward liberation. 


The Vanity of Fools vs. the Jewel of Earnestness 


"Fools follow after vanity, men of evil wisdom. The wise man keeps earnestness as his best jewel." 


Vanity, the pursuit of superficial and transient pleasures, is the domain of the foolish and the unwise. These individuals, guided by misguided understanding, chase after empty and fleeting goals. In contrast, the wise cherish earnestness as their most precious possession—a jewel that guides them toward true fulfillment and liberation. 


Earnestness, as a jewel, symbolizes the priceless value of mindfulness and diligence. It is a treasure that enriches the soul and leads to lasting happiness. By valuing and cultivating earnestness, the wise ensure that they remain on the path of righteousness and spiritual growth. 


The Serenity of the Wise 


"When the learned man drives away vanity by earnestness, he, the wise, climbing the terraced heights of wisdom, looks down upon the fools, serene he looks upon the toiling crowd, as one that stands on a mountain looks down upon them that stand upon the plain." 


The Dhammapada presents a vivid image of the wise ascending the terraced heights of wisdom, achieving a vantage point from which they can see the world with clarity and serenity. This elevated perspective allows them to view the toiling crowd with compassion and understanding, recognizing the futility of their vain pursuits. 


This metaphor illustrates the transformative power of earnestness. By transcending vanity and cultivating wisdom, the practitioner gains a serene and detached perspective on life. This detachment is not cold or indifferent but marked by a deep sense of peace and compassion for all beings. 


Advancing Like a Racer 


"Earnest among the thoughtless, awake among the sleepers, the wise man advances like a racer, leaving behind the hack." 


The contrast between the earnest and the thoughtless is striking. The earnest, fully awake and mindful, advance rapidly on the spiritual path, leaving behind those who are heedless and asleep. The image of a racer emphasizes the dynamic and progressive nature of earnest practice, leading to swift spiritual advancement. 


This verse encourages practitioners to remain vigilant and committed, always striving to progress on their spiritual journey. It serves as a reminder that earnestness propels us forward, allowing us to overcome obstacles and achieve our highest potential. 


The Praise of Earnestness 


"By earnestness did Maghavan (Indra) rise to the lordship of the gods. People praise earnestness; thoughtlessness is always blamed." 


Earnestness is celebrated not only in the human realm but also in the divine. The example of Maghavan (Indra) rising to the lordship of the gods through earnestness highlights its supreme value. Earnestness is universally praised as a virtue that leads to greatness and spiritual elevation, while thoughtlessness is universally condemned. 


This verse reinforces the idea that earnestness is a fundamental quality for achieving both worldly and spiritual success. It encourages us to emulate the virtues of diligence and mindfulness, ensuring that we earn the praise and respect of both humans and gods. 


The Fiery Bhikshu 


"A Bhikshu (mendicant) who delights in earnestness, who looks with fear on thoughtlessness, moves about like fire, burning all his fetters, small or large." 


The image of a Bhikshu moving like fire conveys the transformative and purifying power of earnestness. Just as fire burns away impurities, the earnest mendicant destroys all fetters—both small and large—through diligent practice. This process of purification leads to greater freedom and spiritual advancement. 


This verse emphasizes the importance of vigilance and mindfulness in the life of a Bhikshu. By delighting in earnestness and fearing thoughtlessness, the mendicant ensures steady progress on the path to liberation, burning away all obstacles and attachments. 


The Reflective Bhikshu 


"A Bhikshu (mendicant) who delights in reflection, who looks with fear on thoughtlessness, cannot fall away (from his perfect state)—he is close upon Nirvana." 


Reflection, or deep contemplation, is a crucial aspect of earnestness. A Bhikshu who delights in reflection and fears thoughtlessness is safeguarded from falling away from the perfect state of mindfulness and purity. Such a practitioner remains steadfast on the path, ever closer to the realization of Nirvana. 


This final verse highlights the protective power of reflection and mindfulness. By cultivating a reflective and earnest mind, the Bhikshu remains firmly rooted in the Dharma, ensuring steady progress toward the ultimate goal of Nirvana. 


Embracing the Path of Earnestness 


The verses from Chapter II of the Dhammapada offer a comprehensive guide to the mystical path of earnestness. They encourage us to cultivate mindfulness, diligence, and reflection, warning against the perils of thoughtlessness and vanity. By embracing earnestness as our guiding principle, we can navigate the challenges of life with clarity and wisdom, ultimately realizing the highest happiness of Nirvana. 


These teachings remind us that the journey to spiritual awakening requires constant vigilance and effort. Earnestness is not merely an abstract ideal but a practical and dynamic quality that shapes our thoughts, actions, and experiences. By making earnestness our best jewel, we ensure that we remain on the path of righteousness, progressing steadily toward the eternal peace and liberation of Nirvana. 


In embracing this mystical path, let us be inspired by 


Το μυστικιστικό μονοπάτι της ειλικρίνειας: Αντανακλάσεις από το Dhammapada 


Το Dhammapada, ένα σεβαστό κείμενο στη βουδιστική λογοτεχνία, προσφέρει βαθιές γνώσεις για τη φύση της σοβαρότητας και τον κρίσιμο ρόλο της στο ταξίδι προς τη Νιρβάνα. Στους στίχους από το Κεφάλαιο ΙΙ, καθοδηγούμαστε μέσα από την ουσία της σοβαρότητας ως το μονοπάτι της αθανασίας και της πνευματικής αφύπνισης. Αυτή η μυστικιστική εξερεύνηση αποκαλύπτει τη μεταμορφωτική δύναμη της επίγνωσης, τους κινδύνους της αστοχίας και την τελική συνειδητοποίηση του Νιρβάνα. 


Σοβαρότητα: Το μονοπάτι προς την αθανασία 


"Η ειλικρίνεια είναι ο δρόμος της αθανασίας (Νιρβάνα), η αστοχία ο δρόμος του θανάτου. Όσοι είναι σοβαροί δεν πεθαίνουν, αυτοί που είναι αλόγιστοι είναι σαν να έχουν ήδη πεθάνει." 


Το Dhammapada ξεκινά αντιπαραβάλλοντας τη σοβαρότητα με την αστοχία. Η σοβαρότητα, που χαρακτηρίζεται από επίγνωση και επιμέλεια, οδηγεί στην αθάνατη κατάσταση του Νιρβάνα. Αντίθετα, η αστοχία, που χαρακτηρίζεται από παραμέληση και απροσεξία, μοιάζει με πνευματικό θάνατο. Αυτή η διχοτόμηση υπογραμμίζει τη σημασία μιας άγρυπνης και συνειδητής προσέγγισης στη ζωή. 


Το να είσαι σοβαρός σημαίνει να είσαι πλήρως ξύπνιος, έχοντας επίγνωση της κάθε στιγμής και αφοσιωμένος στο μονοπάτι της δικαιοσύνης. Είναι μια κατάσταση όπου κάποιος υπερβαίνει τα εγκόσμια και συνδέεται με τις βαθύτερες αλήθειες της ύπαρξης. Η αστοχία, από την άλλη πλευρά, παγιδεύει τα άτομα σε έναν κύκλο άγνοιας και οδύνης, εμποδίζοντάς τα να συνειδητοποιήσουν τις πραγματικές δυνατότητές τους. 


Η χαρά της ειλικρίνειας 


«Όσοι είναι προχωρημένοι στη σοβαρότητα, αφού το έχουν κατανοήσει καθαρά, χαίρονται με τη σοβαρότητα και χαίρονται για τη γνώση των Αρίγια (των εκλεκτών).» 


Για όσους έχουν κατανοήσει την αξία της σοβαρότητας, γίνεται πηγή χαράς και εκπλήρωσης. Αυτά τα φωτισμένα όντα, γνωστά ως Ariyas ή οι εκλεκτοί, βρίσκουν βαθιά ικανοποίηση από την επιμελή πρακτική τους και τη σοφία που φέρνει. Η γνώση των Αρίγια αντιπροσωπεύει μια βαθιά κατανόηση του Ντάρμα και της φύσης της πραγματικότητας. 


Αυτή η απόλαυση στη σοβαρότητα δεν είναι απλώς διανοητική αλλά βαθιά βιωματική. Περιλαμβάνει μια εγκάρδια δέσμευση στο πνευματικό μονοπάτι, που οδηγεί σε μια μεταμορφωτική και χαρούμενη εμπειρία ζωής. Ο ένθερμος ασκούμενος βρίσκει χαρά όχι στα εξωτερικά επιτεύγματα ή τις αισθητηριακές απολαύσεις, αλλά στην εσωτερική γαλήνη και σοφία που προκύπτουν από την επίγνωση και τη σωστή δράση. 


Επίτευξη Νιρβάνα μέσω της Σταθερότητας 


«Αυτοί οι σοφοί άνθρωποι, διαλογιστές, σταθεροί, πάντα με ισχυρές δυνάμεις, φτάνουν στη Νιρβάνα, την υψηλότερη ευτυχία». 


Το μονοπάτι προς τη Νιρβάνα, τον απώτερο στόχο της βουδιστικής πρακτικής, χαρακτηρίζεται από διαλογισμό, σταθερότητα και εσωτερική δύναμη. Οι σοφοί, που παραμένουν στοχαστικοί και αταλάντευτοι στις προσπάθειές τους, καλλιεργούν ισχυρές νοητικές και πνευματικές ικανότητες. Αυτές οι ιδιότητες τους επιτρέπουν να ξεπεράσουν τις ψευδαισθήσεις του υλικού κόσμου και να επιτύχουν την υψηλότερη ευτυχία - τη Νιρβάνα. 


Η Νιρβάνα περιγράφεται συχνά ως η παύση του πόνου, μια κατάσταση τέλειας ειρήνης και απελευθέρωσης από τους κύκλους της γέννησης και του θανάτου. Είναι η συνειδητοποίηση της αληθινής φύσης του εαυτού και η διάλυση όλων των προσκολλήσεων και επιθυμιών. Η σταθερή και διαλογιστική εξάσκηση της σοβαρότητας είναι το κλειδί για το ξεκλείδωμα αυτής της εξαιρετικής κατάστασης ύπαρξης. 


Η δόξα των Εντιμότερων 


«Αν ένας σοβαρός άνθρωπος έχει ξεσηκωθεί, αν δεν είναι ξεχασιάρης, αν οι πράξεις του είναι αγνές, αν ενεργεί με προσοχή, αν συγκρατείται και ζει σύμφωνα με το νόμο, τότε η δόξα του θα αυξηθεί». 


Η σοβαρότητα δεν είναι μια παθητική κατάσταση αλλά μια ενεργητική και δυναμική ενασχόληση με τη ζωή. Ένα σοβαρό άτομο είναι άγρυπνο, συνειδητό και ευσυνείδητο σε όλες τις πράξεις. Η καθαρότητα των πράξεων, η στοχαστική σκέψη, η αυτοσυγκράτηση και η προσκόλληση στο Ντάρμα είναι τα χαρακτηριστικά γνωρίσματα ενός τέτοιου ατόμου. Αυτές οι ιδιότητες οδηγούν στην ανάπτυξη και στην άνθηση της πνευματικής δόξας κάποιου. 


Αυτή η δόξα δεν είναι κοσμικής φύσης, αλλά ένα λαμπερό εσωτερικό φως που λάμπει ως αποτέλεσμα ενάρετης ζωής και ειλικρινούς πρακτικής. Αντανακλά την εσωτερική μεταμόρφωση και την πνευματική ανύψωση που επιφέρει η σοβαρότητα, καθιστώντας τον ασκούμενο φάρο σοφίας και συμπόνιας στον κόσμο. 


Δημιουργώντας ένα ακατάσχετο νησί 


«Ξυπνώντας τον εαυτό του, με σοβαρότητα, με περιορισμό και έλεγχο, ο σοφός μπορεί να φτιάξει για τον εαυτό του ένα νησί που καμία πλημμύρα δεν μπορεί να κατακλύσει». 


Η μεταφορά της δημιουργίας ενός νησιού υποδηλώνει την κατασκευή ενός σταθερού και ασφαλούς θεμελίου πνευματικής πρακτικής. Καλλιεργώντας σοβαρότητα, αυτοσυγκράτηση και έλεγχο, οι σοφοί χτίζουν ένα εσωτερικό καταφύγιο που παραμένει ακλόνητο από τον εξωτερικό κόσμο. Αυτό το νησί αντιπροσωπεύει το σταθερό μυαλό και την καρδιά, αδιαπέραστο από τις πλημμύρες της επιθυμίας, της προσκόλλησης και του πόνου. 


Αυτή η εικόνα ενός ακατάσχετου νησιού υπογραμμίζει τη σημασία της εσωτερικής ανθεκτικότητας και της σταθερότητας απέναντι στις προκλήσεις της ζωής. Ενθαρρύνει τους ασκούμενους να αναπτύξουν μια ισχυρή και ακλόνητη δέσμευση στην πνευματική τους πορεία, διασφαλίζοντας την πρόοδό τους προς την απελευθέρωση. 


Η ματαιοδοξία των ανόητων έναντι στο κόσμημα της ειλικρίνειας 


«Οι ανόητοι ακολουθούν τη ματαιοδοξία, άνθρωποι με κακή σοφία. Ο σοφός κρατά τη σοβαρότητα ως το καλύτερο του κόσμημα». 


Η ματαιοδοξία, η επιδίωξη επιφανειακών και παροδικών απολαύσεων, είναι ο τομέας των ανόητων και των ασύνετων. Αυτά τα άτομα, με γνώμονα την λανθασμένη κατανόηση, κυνηγούν κενούς και φευγαλέους στόχους. Αντίθετα, οι σοφοί εκτιμούν τη σοβαρότητα ως το πιο πολύτιμο κτήμα τουςένα κόσμημα που τους οδηγεί προς την αληθινή εκπλήρωση και απελευθέρωση. 


Η σοβαρότητα, ως κόσμημα, συμβολίζει την ανεκτίμητη αξία της προσοχής και της επιμέλειας. Είναι ένας θησαυρός που εμπλουτίζει την ψυχή και οδηγεί σε διαρκή ευτυχία. Εκτιμώντας και καλλιεργώντας τη σοβαρότητα, οι σοφοί διασφαλίζουν ότι παραμένουν στο μονοπάτι της δικαιοσύνης και της πνευματικής ανάπτυξης. 


Η Γαλήνη του Σοφού 


«Όταν ο λόγιος διώχνει τη ματαιοδοξία με σοβαρότητα, αυτός, ο σοφός, σκαρφαλώνοντας στα κλιμακωτά ύψη της σοφίας, κοιτάζει από ψηλά τους ανόητους, γαλήνιος κοιτάζει το πλήθος που εργάζεται, όπως αυτός που στέκεται σε ένα βουνό κοιτάζει κάτω αυτούς που στέκονται στον κάμπο». 


Το Dhammapada παρουσιάζει μια ζωντανή εικόνα των σοφών που ανεβαίνουν στα υψώματα της σοφίας, επιτυγχάνοντας ένα πλεονέκτημα από το οποίο μπορούν να δουν τον κόσμο με σαφήνεια και γαλήνη. Αυτή η υπερυψωμένη προοπτική τους επιτρέπει να βλέπουν το πλήθος που εργάζεται με συμπόνια και κατανόηση, αναγνωρίζοντας τη ματαιότητα των μάταιων επιδιώξεών τους. 


Αυτή η μεταφορά απεικονίζει τη μεταμορφωτική δύναμη της σοβαρότητας. Υπερβαίνοντας τη ματαιοδοξία και καλλιεργώντας τη σοφία, ο ασκούμενος αποκτά μια γαλήνια και αποστασιοποιημένη οπτική για τη ζωή. Αυτή η απόσπαση δεν είναι ψυχρή ή αδιάφορη, αλλά χαρακτηρίζεται από μια βαθιά αίσθηση ειρήνης και συμπόνιας για όλα τα όντα. 


Προχωρώντας σαν δρομέας 


«Εντιμότερος ανάμεσα στους απερίσκεπτους, ξύπνιος ανάμεσα στους κοιμώμενους, ο σοφός προχωρά σαν δρομέας, αφήνοντας πίσω του τα τραύματα». 


Η αντίθεση μεταξύ του σοβαρού και του απερίσκεπτου είναι εντυπωσιακή. Οι σοβαροί, πλήρως ξύπνιοι και συνειδητοποιημένοι, προχωρούν γρήγορα στο πνευματικό μονοπάτι, αφήνοντας πίσω τους απρόσεκτους και κοιμισμένους. Η εικόνα ενός δρομέα τονίζει τη δυναμική και προοδευτική φύση της σοβαρής εξάσκησης, που οδηγεί σε γρήγορη πνευματική πρόοδο. 


Αυτό το εδάφιο ενθαρρύνει τους ασκούμενους να παραμείνουν σε εγρήγορση και αφοσιωμένοι, προσπαθώντας πάντα να προοδεύσουν στο πνευματικό τους ταξίδι. Λειτουργεί ως υπενθύμιση ότι η σοβαρότητα μας ωθεί προς τα εμπρός, επιτρέποντάς μας να ξεπεράσουμε τα εμπόδια και να επιτύχουμε τις υψηλότερες δυνατότητές μας. 


Ο έπαινος της σοβαρότητας 


"Με σοβαρότητα ο Maghavan (Ίντρα) ανέβηκε στην κυριαρχία των θεών. 


Η ειλικρίνεια γιορτάζεται όχι μόνο στο ανθρώπινο βασίλειο αλλά και στο θείο. Το παράδειγμα του Maghavan (Indra) που ανέρχεται στην κυριαρχία των θεών μέσω της σοβαρότητας αναδεικνύει την υπέρτατη αξία του. Η ειλικρίνεια υμνείται παγκοσμίως ως αρετή που οδηγεί σε μεγαλείο και πνευματική ανύψωση, ενώ η αστοχία καταδικάζεται παγκοσμίως. 


Αυτός ο στίχος ενισχύει την ιδέα ότι η σοβαρότητα είναι θεμελιώδης ιδιότητα για την επίτευξη τόσο κοσμικής όσο και πνευματικής επιτυχίας. Μας ενθαρρύνει να μιμηθούμε τις αρετές της επιμέλειας και της επίγνωσης, διασφαλίζοντας ότι κερδίζουμε τον έπαινο και τον σεβασμό τόσο των ανθρώπων όσο και των θεών. 


Ο Φλογερός Μπικσού 


"Ένας Bhikshu (mendicant) που χαίρεται με σοβαρότητα, που κοιτάζει με φόβο την αστοχία, κινείται σαν φωτιά, καίγοντας όλα τα δεσμά του, μικρά ή μεγάλα." 


Η εικόνα ενός Μπικσού που κινείται σαν φωτιά μεταδίδει τη μεταμορφωτική και καθαρτική δύναμη της σοβαρότητας. Ακριβώς όπως η φωτιά καίει τις ακαθαρσίες, ο ειλικρινής αναζητής καταστρέφει όλα τα δεσμά - τόσο μικρά όσο και μεγάλα - μέσω της επιμελούς πρακτικής. Αυτή η διαδικασία κάθαρσης οδηγεί σε μεγαλύτερη ελευθερία και πνευματική πρόοδο. 


Αυτός ο στίχος τονίζει τη σημασία της επαγρύπνησης και της προσοχής στη ζωή ενός Μπικσού. Απολαμβάνοντας τη σοβαρότητα και φοβούμενος την αστοχία, ο ασκούμενος εξασφαλίζει σταθερή πρόοδο στο μονοπάτι προς την απελευθέρωση, καίγοντας όλα τα εμπόδια και τις προσκολλήσεις. 


Ο αντανακλαστικός Bhikshu 


"Ένας Bhikshu  που απολαμβάνει τον προβληματισμό, που κοιτάζει με φόβο την αστοχία, δεν μπορεί να ξεφύγει (από την τέλεια κατάστασή του) - είναι κοντά στον Νιρβάνα." 


Ο προβληματισμός ή ο βαθύς στοχασμός είναι μια κρίσιμη πτυχή της σοβαρότητας. Ένας Bhikshu που απολαμβάνει τον προβληματισμό και φοβάται την αστοχία, προστατεύεται από το να πέσει μακριά από την τέλεια κατάσταση της επίγνωσης και της αγνότητας. Ένας τέτοιος ασκούμενος παραμένει σταθερός στο μονοπάτι, όλο και πιο κοντά στην υλοποίηση του Νιρβάνα. 


Αυτός ο τελευταίος στίχος υπογραμμίζει την προστατευτική δύναμη του προβληματισμού και της επίγνωσης. Καλλιεργώντας ένα στοχαστικό και σοβαρό μυαλό, ο Μπικσού παραμένει σταθερά ριζωμένος στο Ντάρμα, εξασφαλίζοντας σταθερή πρόοδο προς τον τελικό στόχο του Νιρβάνα. 


Αγκαλιάζοντας το μονοπάτι της ειλικρίνειας 


Οι στίχοι από το Κεφάλαιο II του Dhammapada προσφέρουν έναν περιεκτικό οδηγό για το μυστικιστικό μονοπάτι της σοβαρότητας. Μας ενθαρρύνουν να καλλιεργήσουμε επίγνωση, επιμέλεια και προβληματισμό, προειδοποιώντας για τους κινδύνους της αστοχίας και της ματαιοδοξίας. Αποδεχόμενοι τη σοβαρότητα ως την κατευθυντήρια αρχή μας, μπορούμε να πλοηγηθούμε στις προκλήσεις της ζωής με σαφήνεια και σοφία, συνειδητοποιώντας τελικά την υψηλότερη ευτυχία του Nirvana. 


Αυτές οι διδασκαλίες μας υπενθυμίζουν ότι το ταξίδι προς την πνευματική αφύπνιση απαιτεί συνεχή εγρήγορση και προσπάθεια. Η ειλικρίνεια δεν είναι απλώς ένα αφηρημένο ιδανικό, αλλά μια πρακτική και δυναμική ιδιότητα που διαμορφώνει τις σκέψεις, τις πράξεις και τις εμπειρίες μας. Κάνοντας τη σοβαρότητα το καλύτερο μας στολίδι, διασφαλίζουμε ότι παραμένουμε στο μονοπάτι της δικαιοσύνης, προχωρώντας σταθερά προς την αιώνια ειρήνη και την απελευθέρωση του Νιρβάνα. 


Αγκαλιάζοντας αυτό το μυστικιστικό μονοπάτι, ας εμπνευστούμε 


(Atma Bodha - By Adi Sankaracharya)

The Mystical Unveiling of Reality: Insights from Adi Sankaracharya's Atma Bodha 


In the timeless wisdom of Adi Sankaracharya’s “Atma Bodha”, verses 6 through 10 guide us through the profound mysteries of existence, illusion, and the ultimate truth. These teachings illuminate the path toward self-realization, offering us a way to transcend the transient world and experience the eternal reality of Brahman. 


The Illusory World of Attachments and Aversions 


"The world which is full of attachments, aversions, etc., is like a dream. It appears to be real, as long as it continues but appears to be unreal when one is awake (i.e., when true wisdom dawns)." 


Adi Sankaracharya begins by drawing a parallel between the waking state and the dream state. In our daily lives, we are caught in a web of attachments and aversions, mistaking them for reality. Much like a dream that feels real while we are asleep, our worldly experiences seem tangible and permanent until we awaken to higher wisdom. 


This metaphor encourages us to question the nature of our reality. Are our pursuits and desires rooted in the eternal, or are they mere figments of a dream? True wisdom, or self-realization, dispels the illusions of the mind, revealing the transient nature of worldly attachments and guiding us toward the unchanging truth. 


The Illusion of Silver in Mother-of-Pearl 


"The Jagat appears to be true (Satyam) so long as Brahman, the substratum, the basis of all this creation, is not realised. It is like the illusion of silver in the mother-of-pearl." 


Here, the world (Jagat) is likened to the illusion of silver in mother-of-pearl. To the uninformed eye, mother-of-pearl may seem like silver, but this perception is merely an illusion. Similarly, the world appears real and substantial until we realize Brahman, the ultimate substratum of all creation. 


This analogy invites us to look beyond appearances and seek the underlying reality. Just as the illusion of silver vanishes upon closer inspection, the seeming reality of the world dissolves when we perceive the omnipresent Brahman. This realization transforms our understanding, leading us to see the world as a manifestation of the divine rather than an end in itself. 


The Bubbles in Water 


"Like bubbles in the water, the worlds rise, exist and dissolve in the Supreme Self, which is the material cause and the prop of everything." 


Adi Sankaracharya illustrates the ephemeral nature of the universe with the image of bubbles in water. Bubbles form, exist briefly, and then merge back into the water, their source. Similarly, worlds and beings arise from, exist within, and ultimately dissolve into the Supreme Self, Brahman. 


This metaphor highlights the transient nature of all creation. The bubbles, though momentarily distinct, are never separate from the water. In the same way, all phenomena are expressions of Brahman, the eternal source and support of everything. Recognizing this unity allows us to transcend the fear of change and loss, finding peace in the eternal continuity of the Self. 


The Substratum of Imagination 


"All the manifested world of things and beings are projected by imagination upon the substratum which is the Eternal All-pervading Vishnu, whose nature is Existence-Intelligence; just as the different ornaments are all made out of the same gold." 


The manifested world is likened to various ornaments crafted from gold. Though the ornaments differ in form and function, they are essentially the same gold. Similarly, all things and beings are projections of the imagination upon the substratum of Vishnu, whose essence is existence and intelligence. 


This analogy underscores the unity underlying apparent diversity. Just as gold remains unchanged despite being shaped into different ornaments, the divine essence pervades all forms and names. By recognizing the underlying oneness of all creation, we transcend superficial distinctions and experience the unity of existence. 


The Diversity of Akasa 


"The All-pervading Akasa appears to be diverse on account of its association with various conditionings (Upadhis) which are different from each other. Space becomes one on the destruction of these limiting adjuncts: So also the Omnipresent Truth appears to be diverse on account of Its association with the various Upadhis and becomes one on the destruction of these Upadhis." 


Adi Sankaracharya uses the analogy of space (Akasa) to illustrate the concept of upadhis, or limiting adjuncts. Space, in its essence, is indivisible and all-pervading. However, it appears diverse when associated with different conditionings, such as rooms or containers. When these limiting adjuncts are removed, the unity of space becomes evident. 


Similarly, the omnipresent Truth appears diverse due to its association with various upadhis—individual identities and conditions. When these limiting adjuncts are transcended through self-realization, the underlying unity of the Self is revealed. This realization dissolves the apparent multiplicity, merging us into the singular reality of Brahman. 


Embracing the Eternal Truth 


The teachings of Adi Sankaracharya in *Atma Bodha* guide us to transcend the illusions of the material world and recognize the eternal truth of Brahman. By understanding the transient nature of attachments, the illusory nature of perceived reality, and the underlying unity of all existence, we can awaken to our true nature. 


This journey of self-realization is not merely philosophical but deeply transformative. It invites us to shift our perspective from the ephemeral to the eternal, from the superficial to the profound. As we internalize these teachings, we move closer to experiencing the ultimate reality, where the distinctions of the world dissolve into the boundless expanse of the Self. 


In embracing this mystical wisdom, we align ourselves with the eternal flow of existence, finding peace and fulfillment in the realization of our oneness with the divine. Let these insights from “Atma Bodha” be a guiding light on our path to spiritual awakening, illuminating the way to the eternal truth that lies within us all. 

(Atma Bodha 5-10) 


Η μυστικιστική αποκάλυψη της πραγματικότητας: Πληροφορίες από το Atma Bodha του Adi Sankaracharya 


Στη διαχρονική σοφία του “Atma Bodha” του Adi Sankaracharya, οι στίχοι 6 έως 10 μας καθοδηγούν στα βαθιά μυστήρια της ύπαρξης, της ψευδαίσθησης και της απόλυτης αλήθειας. Αυτές οι διδασκαλίες φωτίζουν το μονοπάτι προς την αυτοπραγμάτωση, προσφέροντάς μας έναν τρόπο να ξεπεράσουμε τον παροδικό κόσμο και να βιώσουμε την αιώνια πραγματικότητα του Μπράχμαν. 


Ο Απατηλός Κόσμος των Προσκολλήσεων και των Αποστροφών 


κόσμος που είναι γεμάτος προσκολλήσεις, αποστροφή κ.λπ., μοιάζει με όνειρο. Φαίνεται αληθινός, όσο συνεχίζεται, αλλά φαίνεται εξωπραγματικός όταν κάποιος είναι ξύπνιος (δηλαδή όταν ξημερώνει η αληθινή σοφία)." 


Ο Adi Sankaracharya ξεκινά κάνοντας έναν παραλληλισμό μεταξύ της κατάστασης εγρήγορσης και της κατάστασης του ονείρου. Στην καθημερινή μας ζωή, βρισκόμαστε παγιδευμένοι σε έναν ιστό προσκολλήσεων και αποστροφής, παρερμηνεύοντάς τα ως πραγματικότητα. Σαν ένα όνειρο που μοιάζει αληθινό ενώ κοιμόμαστε, οι κοσμικές εμπειρίες μας φαίνονται απτές και μόνιμες μέχρι να ξυπνήσουμε σε ανώτερη σοφία. 


Αυτή η μεταφορά μας ενθαρρύνει να αμφισβητήσουμε τη φύση της πραγματικότητάς μας. Οι επιδιώξεις και οι επιθυμίες μας έχουν τις ρίζες τους στο αιώνιο ή είναι απλώς αποκυήματα ενός ονείρου; Η αληθινή σοφία, ή η αυτοπραγμάτωση, διαλύει τις ψευδαισθήσεις του νου, αποκαλύπτοντας την παροδική φύση των εγκόσμιων προσκολλήσεων και καθοδηγώντας μας προς την αμετάβλητη αλήθεια. 


Η Ψευδαίσθηση του Ασημιού στη Μητέρα του Μαργαριταριού 


"Το Jagat φαίνεται να είναι αληθινό (Satyam) όσο το Brahman, το υπόστρωμα, η βάση όλης αυτής της δημιουργίας, δεν έχει πραγματοποιηθεί. Είναι σαν την ψευδαίσθηση του ασημιού στο μαργαριτάρι." 


Εδώ, ο κόσμος (Jagat) παρομοιάζεται με την ψευδαίσθηση του ασημιού σε φίλντισι. Στο ανενημέρωτο μάτι, το φίλντισι μπορεί να φαίνεται σαν ασήμι, αλλά αυτή η αντίληψη είναι απλώς μια ψευδαίσθηση. Ομοίως, ο κόσμος φαίνεται πραγματικός και ουσιαστικός μέχρι να συνειδητοποιήσουμε το Μπράχμαν, το απόλυτο υπόστρωμα όλης της δημιουργίας. 


Αυτή η αναλογία μας καλεί να κοιτάξουμε πέρα από τα φαινόμενα και να αναζητήσουμε την υποβόσκουσα πραγματικότητα. Ακριβώς όπως η ψευδαίσθηση του αργύρου εξαφανίζεται με μια πιο προσεκτική εξέταση, η φαινομενική πραγματικότητα του κόσμου διαλύεται όταν αντιλαμβανόμαστε το πανταχού παρόν Μπράχμαν. Αυτή η συνειδητοποίηση μεταμορφώνει την κατανόησή μας, οδηγώντας μας να δούμε τον κόσμο ως εκδήλωση του θείου και όχι ως αυτοσκοπό. 


Οι φυσαλίδες στο νερό 


«Όπως οι φυσαλίδες στο νερό, οι κόσμοι υψώνονται, υπάρχουν και διαλύονται στον Υπέρτατο Εαυτό, που είναι η υλική αιτία και το στήριγμα των πάντων». 


Ο Adi Sankaracharya απεικονίζει την εφήμερη φύση του σύμπαντος με την εικόνα των φυσαλίδων στο νερό. Σχηματίζονται φυσαλίδες, υπάρχουν για λίγο και μετά συγχωνεύονται ξανά στο νερό, την πηγή τους. Ομοίως, κόσμοι και όντα προκύπτουν από, υπάρχουν μέσα και τελικά διαλύονται στον Υπέρτατο Εαυτό, το Μπράχμαν. 


Αυτή η μεταφορά τονίζει την παροδική φύση όλης της δημιουργίας. Οι φυσαλίδες, αν και στιγμιαία διακριτές, δεν είναι ποτέ ξεχωριστές από το νερό. Με τον ίδιο τρόπο, όλα τα φαινόμενα είναι εκφράσεις του Μπράχμαν, της αιώνιας πηγής και υποστήριξης των πάντων. Η αναγνώριση αυτής της ενότητας μας επιτρέπει να υπερβούμε τον φόβο της αλλαγής και της απώλειας, βρίσκοντας ειρήνη στην αιώνια συνέχεια του Εαυτού. 


Το Υπόστρωμα της Φαντασίας 


"Όλος ο εκδηλωμένος κόσμος των πραγμάτων και των όντων προβάλλεται με τη φαντασία πάνω στο υπόστρωμα που είναι ο Αιώνιος Παντοδύναμος Βισνού, του οποίου η φύση είναι Ύπαρξη-Νοημοσύνη, όπως ακριβώς τα διαφορετικά στολίδια είναι όλα φτιαγμένα από τον ίδιο χρυσό." 


Ο εκδηλωμένος κόσμος παρομοιάζεται με διάφορα στολίδια κατασκευασμένα από χρυσό. Αν και τα στολίδια διαφέρουν ως προς τη μορφή και τη λειτουργία, είναι ουσιαστικά ο ίδιος χρυσός. Ομοίως, όλα τα πράγματα και τα όντα είναι προβολές της φαντασίας πάνω στο υπόστρωμα του Βισνού, του οποίου η ουσία είναι η ύπαρξη και η ευφυΐα. 


Αυτή η αναλογία υπογραμμίζει την ενότητα που κρύβεται πίσω από τη φαινομενική ποικιλομορφία. Ακριβώς όπως ο χρυσός παραμένει αμετάβλητος παρά το σχήμα του σε διαφορετικά στολίδια, η θεϊκή ουσία διαπερνά όλες τις μορφές και τα ονόματα. Αναγνωρίζοντας την υποκείμενη ενότητα όλης της δημιουργίας, υπερβαίνουμε τις επιφανειακές διακρίσεις και βιώνουμε την ενότητα της ύπαρξης. 


Η διαφορετικότητα του Akasa 


"Το παντοδύναμο Akasa φαίνεται να είναι ποικίλο λόγω της συσχέτισής του με διάφορους όρους (Upadhis) που είναι διαφορετικοί μεταξύ τους. Ο χώρος γίνεται ένα με την καταστροφή αυτών των περιοριστικών πρόσθετων: Έτσι και η Πανταχού παρούσα Αλήθεια φαίνεται να είναι διαφορετική λόγω της συσχέτισής της με τους διάφορους Ουπαντί και γίνεται ένα για την καταστροφή αυτών των Ουπαντί». 


Ο Adi Sankaracharya χρησιμοποιεί την αναλογία του χώρου (Akasa) για να επεξηγήσει την έννοια των upadhis, ή των περιοριστικών πρόσθετων. Ο χώρος, στην ουσία του, είναι αδιαίρετος και διαπεραστικός. Ωστόσο, εμφανίζεται ποικίλος όταν συνδέεται με διαφορετικές ρυθμίσεις, όπως δωμάτια ή κοντέινερ. Όταν αφαιρεθούν αυτά τα περιοριστικά πρόσθετα, η ενότητα του χώρου γίνεται εμφανής. 


Ομοίως, η πανταχού παρούσα Αλήθεια εμφανίζεται ποικίλη λόγω της συσχέτισής της με διάφορους ουπαντί—ατομικές ταυτότητες και συνθήκες. Όταν αυτά τα περιοριστικά πρόσθετα ξεπεραστούν μέσω της αυτοπραγμάτωσης, αποκαλύπτεται η υποκείμενη ενότητα του Εαυτού. Αυτή η συνειδητοποίηση διαλύει τη φαινομενική πολλαπλότητα, συγχωνεύοντάς μας στη μοναδική πραγματικότητα του Μπράχμαν. 


Αγκαλιάζοντας την Αιώνια Αλήθεια 


Οι διδασκαλίες του Adi Sankaracharya στο “Atma Bodha” μας καθοδηγούν να ξεπεράσουμε τις ψευδαισθήσεις του υλικού κόσμου και να αναγνωρίσουμε την αιώνια αλήθεια του Μπράχμαν. Κατανοώντας την παροδική φύση των προσκολλήσεων, την απατηλή φύση της αντιληπτής πραγματικότητας και την υποκείμενη ενότητα κάθε ύπαρξης, μπορούμε να αφυπνιστούμε στην αληθινή μας φύση. 


Αυτό το ταξίδι αυτοπραγμάτωσης δεν είναι απλώς φιλοσοφικό αλλά βαθιά μεταμορφωτικό. Μας καλεί να μετατοπίσουμε την οπτική μας από το εφήμερο στο αιώνιο, από το επιφανειακό στο βαθύ. Καθώς εσωτερικεύουμε αυτές τις διδασκαλίες, πλησιάζουμε περισσότερο στο να βιώσουμε την απόλυτη πραγματικότητα, όπου οι διακρίσεις του κόσμου διαλύονται στην απεριόριστη έκταση του Εαυτού. 


Αγκαλιάζοντας αυτή τη μυστικιστική σοφία, ευθυγραμμιζόμαστε με την αιώνια ροή της ύπαρξης, βρίσκοντας ειρήνη και πληρότητα στην συνειδητοποίηση της ενότητάς μας με το θείο. Αφήστε αυτές τις ιδέες από το “Atma Bodha” να είναι ένα φως καθοδήγησης στην πορεία μας προς την πνευματική αφύπνιση, φωτίζοντας το δρόμο προς την αιώνια αλήθεια που βρίσκεται μέσα σε όλους μας. 


The Only Revolution

The Mystical Journey of Meditation: Embracing Innocence and Vulnerability 


In the serene expanses of India, where ancient wisdom dances with the whispers of the wind, the essence of meditation unfurls not as a technique but as a timeless journey into the depths of the mind and heart. Here, under the vast canopy of the sky and amidst the rhythmic lullaby of the ocean waves, meditation reveals its profound truth: it is not a means to an end but a state of being, a delicate dance between innocence and vulnerability. 


The Essence of Meditation 


Meditation, in its truest form, is a celebration of the quality of mind and heart. It is an embrace of a state that transcends achievement and attainment, a state where the mind is as innocent as a child's and as vulnerable as a tender bud. This innocence and vulnerability are not the products of experiences accumulated or the milestones achieved; rather, they emerge from a profound negation of these very experiences. Through this negation, a positive state of being arises, one that is untouched by the convolutions of thought and the weight of memories. 


The Illusion of Achievement 


In the modern quest for enlightenment, there often lies a subtle trap: the pursuit of meditation as a tool for achieving something - be it peace, clarity, or spiritual insight. However, this pursuit itself is a denial of the purity that meditation embodies. For meditation is not a linear path leading to a destination; it is a circular, all-encompassing presence that holds both the journey and the destination within its embrace. To seek to achieve through meditation is to miss its essence, for the mind can never be made innocent through the accumulation of experiences or the striving for goals. 


The Innocence Beyond Thought 


The true state of meditation is one where thought ceases to dominate. Thought, with its incessant chatter and relentless analysis, can never be innocent. It is laden with the residues of the past and the anticipations of the future. Meditation, therefore, is the ending of thought, not through an act of will by the meditator, but through a profound realization that the meditator and the meditation are one and the same. When this realization dawns, the separation dissolves, and what remains is a state of pure being - an innocence that is beyond the reach of thought. 


Nature as a Mirror 


In the quiet solitude of a seashore or the majestic silence of the hills, nature offers itself as a mirror to this meditative quality. The ceaseless ebb and flow of the waves, the whispering winds, and the timeless stillness of the mountains all speak of the beauty and pain of life. They invite us to awaken to our own sorrow and, through this awakening, to the possibility of its ending. In this communion with nature, we are reminded that meditation is the root, the plant, the flower, and the fruit of existence. It is an undivided whole, a continuous unfolding that defies the divisions imposed by words and thoughts. 


The Unity of Virtue and Perception 


In the mystical journey of meditation, virtue is not a set of moral precepts or ethical guidelines to be followed. It is the total perception of life in its wholeness. This perception, untainted by the fragmentation of thought, brings about a natural goodness that flows effortlessly. It is in this unified perception that true action arises - action that is not a result of calculation or deliberation, but a spontaneous expression of the innate harmony of existence. 


Embracing the Present 


To truly meditate is to let go of the past and the future, to immerse oneself completely in the present moment. It is to wander by the seashore, allowing the meditative quality to arise naturally, without pursuing it or clinging to the memory of its past presence. For what was is the death of what is. Each moment of meditation is a fresh blossoming, a renewal that cannot be captured or replicated by the mind. 




In the heart of meditation lies a mystical journey that transcends the ordinary dimensions of time and space. It is a journey that beckons us to embrace innocence and vulnerability, to negate the accumulations of experience and to awaken to a state of pure being. As we wander through the landscapes of nature and the terrains of our inner world, let us allow meditation to reveal its profound truth - that it is both the means and the end, a timeless presence that holds the key to the mystery of existence. In this sacred journey, may we find the clarity to perceive life in its wholeness and the courage to live with an open heart. 

(India 2) 


Το Μυστικό Ταξίδι του Διαλογισμού: Αγκαλιάζοντας την αθωότητα και την ευαλωτότητα 


Στις γαλήνιες εκτάσεις της Ινδίας, όπου η αρχαία σοφία χορεύει με τους ψιθύρους του ανέμου, η ουσία του διαλογισμού ξεδιπλώνεται όχι ως τεχνική αλλά ως ένα διαχρονικό ταξίδι στα βάθη του νου και της καρδιάς. Εδώ, κάτω από τον απέραντο θόλο του ουρανού και μέσα στο ρυθμικό νανούρισμα των κυμάτων του ωκεανού, ο διαλογισμός αποκαλύπτει τη βαθιά του αλήθεια: δεν είναι ένα μέσο για τον σκοπό, αλλά μια κατάσταση ύπαρξης, ένας λεπτός χορός μεταξύ αθωότητας και ευαλωτότητας. 


Η ουσία του διαλογισμού 


Ο διαλογισμός, στην πιο αληθινή του μορφή, είναι μια γιορτή της ποιότητας του νου και της καρδιάς. Είναι μια αγκαλιά μιας κατάστασης που υπερβαίνει τα επιτεύγματα και τις πραγματοποιήσεις, μια κατάσταση όπου το μυαλό είναι τόσο αθώο όσο ένα παιδί και τόσο ευάλωτο όσο ένα τρυφερό μπουμπούκι. Αυτή η αθωότητα και η ευαλωτότητα δεν είναι προϊόντα εμπειριών που έχουν συσσωρευτεί ή των ορόσημων που έχουν επιτευχθεί. Μάλλον, προκύπτουν από μια βαθιά άρνηση αυτών των ίδιων εμπειριών. Μέσα από αυτήν την άρνηση, προκύπτει μια θετική κατάσταση ύπαρξης, μια κατάσταση που είναι ανέγγιχτη από τις συνελίξεις της σκέψης και το βάρος των αναμνήσεων. 


Η ψευδαίσθηση του επιτεύγματος 


Στη σύγχρονη αναζήτηση για φώτιση, συχνά κρύβεται μια λεπτή παγίδα: η επιδίωξη του διαλογισμού ως εργαλείου για την επίτευξη κάτι - είτε είναι ειρήνη, διαύγεια ή πνευματική ενόραση. Ωστόσο, αυτή η ίδια η επιδίωξη είναι μια άρνηση της αγνότητας που ενσωματώνει ο διαλογισμός. Γιατί ο διαλογισμός δεν είναι μια γραμμική διαδρομή που οδηγεί σε έναν προορισμό. είναι μια κυκλική, περιεκτική παρουσία που κρατά στην αγκαλιά της τόσο το ταξίδι όσο και τον προορισμό. Το να επιδιώκεις να πετύχεις μέσω του διαλογισμού σημαίνει ότι χάνεις την ουσία του, γιατί ο νους δεν μπορεί ποτέ να γίνει αθώος μέσω της συσσώρευσης εμπειριών ή της προσπάθειας για στόχους. 


Η αθωότητα πέρα από τη σκέψη 


Η πραγματική κατάσταση του διαλογισμού είναι εκείνη όπου η σκέψη παύει να κυριαρχεί. Η σκέψη, με την αδιάκοπη φλυαρία και την αμείλικτη ανάλυσή της, δεν μπορεί ποτέ να είναι αθώα. Είναι φορτωμένη με τα υπολείμματα του παρελθόντος και τις προσδοκίες του μέλλοντος. Ο διαλογισμός, επομένως, είναι το τέλος της σκέψης, όχι μέσω μιας πράξης θέλησης από τον διαλογιστή, αλλά μέσω μιας βαθιάς συνειδητοποίησης ότι ο διαλογιστής και ο διαλογισμός είναι ένα και το αυτό. Όταν αυτή η συνειδητοποίηση ξημερώνει, ο χωρισμός διαλύεται και αυτό που μένει είναι μια κατάσταση καθαρής ύπαρξης - μια αθωότητα που είναι πέρα από τη σκέψη. 


Η φύση ως καθρέφτης 


Στην ήσυχη μοναξιά μιας ακρογιαλιάς ή στη μαγευτική σιωπή των λόφων, η φύση προσφέρεται ως καθρέφτης σε αυτή τη διαλογιστική ποιότητα. Η αδιάκοπη άμπωτη και η ροή των κυμάτων, οι ψιθυριστές άνεμοι και η διαχρονική ησυχία των βουνών μιλούν για την ομορφιά και τον πόνο της ζωής. Μας προσκαλούν να αφυπνιστούμε στη δική μας θλίψη και, μέσα από αυτή την αφύπνιση, στην πιθανότητα να τελειώσει. Σε αυτή την επικοινωνία με τη φύση, μας υπενθυμίζεται ότι ο διαλογισμός είναι η ρίζα, το φυτό, το λουλούδι και ο καρπός της ύπαρξης. Είναι ένα αδιαίρετο σύνολο, ένα συνεχές ξετύλιγμα που αψηφά τους διαχωρισμούς που επιβάλλουν οι λέξεις και οι σκέψεις. 


Η Ενότητα Αρετής και Αντίληψης 


Στο μυστικιστικό ταξίδι του διαλογισμού, η αρετή δεν είναι ένα σύνολο ηθικών εντολών ή ηθικών οδηγιών που πρέπει να ακολουθούνται. Είναι η συνολική αντίληψη της ζωής στην ολότητά της. Αυτή η αντίληψη, αμόλυντη από τον κατακερματισμό της σκέψης, επιφέρει μια φυσική καλοσύνη που ρέει αβίαστα. Σε αυτή την ενιαία αντίληψη προκύπτει η αληθινή δράση - δράση που δεν είναι αποτέλεσμα υπολογισμού ή συλλογισμού, αλλά αυθόρμητη έκφραση της έμφυτης αρμονίας της ύπαρξης. 


Αγκαλιάζοντας το παρόν 


Το να διαλογίζεσαι αληθινά σημαίνει να αφήνεις το παρελθόν και το μέλλον, να βυθίζεσαι ολοκληρωτικά στην παρούσα στιγμή. Είναι να περιπλανιέσαι στην ακτή, επιτρέποντας στη διαλογιστική ποιότητα να αναδυθεί φυσικά, χωρίς να την επιδιώκεις ή να κολλάς στη μνήμη της προηγούμενης παρουσίας της. Γιατί αυτό που ήταν είναι ο θάνατος αυτού που είναι. Κάθε στιγμή διαλογισμού είναι μια φρέσκια άνθηση, μια ανανέωση που δεν μπορεί να συλληφθεί ή να αναπαραχθεί από το μυαλό. 




Στην καρδιά του διαλογισμού βρίσκεται ένα μυστικιστικό ταξίδι που ξεπερνά τις συνηθισμένες διαστάσεις του χρόνου και του χώρου. Είναι ένα ταξίδι που μας καλεί να αγκαλιάσουμε την αθωότητα και την ευαλωτότητα, να αρνηθούμε τις συσσωρεύσεις εμπειρίας και να αφυπνιστούμε σε μια κατάσταση καθαρής ύπαρξης. Καθώς περιπλανιόμαστε στα τοπία της φύσης και στα εδάφη του εσωτερικού μας κόσμου, ας επιτρέψουμε στον διαλογισμό να αποκαλύψει τη βαθιά του αλήθεια - ότι είναι και το μέσο και ο σκοπός, μια διαχρονική παρουσία που κρατά το κλειδί για το μυστήριο της ύπαρξης. Σε αυτό το ιερό ταξίδι, είθε να βρούμε τη διαύγεια να αντιληφθούμε τη ζωή στην ολότητά της και το θάρρος να ζήσουμε με ανοιχτή καρδιά. 


The Echo of the Bell: A Mystical Journey Through Time and Consciousness 


The bell rings... 

what era does it come from? 



The Resonance of the Ancient Chime 

The bell rings, a sound that transcends the immediate moment, carrying with it echoes from a bygone era. This bell does not belong to the Now; it emanates from a religious past, a time steeped in rituals and beliefs that humanity has ostensibly transcended. Yet, despite our evolution, the sound of the bell lingers, a haunting reminder of a world that once was. Does it still hold meaning, or has it become an anachronism, a relic devoid of relevance in our modern age? 

The Bell as a Symbol 

The bell, in many cultures, symbolizes the divine, a call to prayer, or a marker of sacred time. It is a sound that punctuates the mundane, elevating the moment from the ordinary to the extraordinary. In ancient monasteries, the bell dictated the rhythm of life, calling monks to meditation, prayer, and contemplation. It represented a connection to something greater, a reminder of the eternal amidst the temporal. 

However, in our contemporary world, where science and technology reign supreme, the bell's significance seems to have faded. The rhythms of modern life are dictated by clocks, schedules, and digital notifications, not the resonant peal of a bell. The sacred has been supplanted by the secular, the mystical by the material. The bell's call to the divine seems drowned out by the cacophony of progress.  

Awakening to the Eternal Present 

Yet, there is a profound truth that lies beneath the surface of this apparent dissonance. When one awakens to the Eternal Present, the Unique Reality, a startling revelation emerges: everything is a dream. The past, with its religious fervor and mystical practices, and the present, with its relentless pursuit of progress and achievement, are but different facets of the same illusion. 

In this state of awakened consciousness, one perceives the interwoven tapestry of existence, where time is an illusion and all moments coexist in the Eternal Now. The bell, once a symbol of religious duty, becomes a herald of this deeper truth. It reminds us that the constructs of quests, theories, efforts, and achievements, which we hold so dear, belong to the realm of daydreaming. 

The Dream of Reality 

To understand this mystical perspective, one must delve into the nature of reality itself. The sages and mystics of old often spoke of the world as Maya, an illusion or dream. According to this view, the material world, with all its apparent solidity and permanence, is but a transient manifestation of a deeper, underlying reality. This deeper reality is timeless, unchanging, and eternal. 

In the light of this understanding, the bell's sound is not just an echo from a forgotten past but a reminder of this deeper truth. It calls us to wake up from the dream of material existence and to recognize the Eternal Present. In this state of awakened awareness, we see that our quests for knowledge, our theories about the universe, our efforts to achieve and accumulate, are all part of the dream. 

Embracing the Mystical Path 

The mystical path invites us to transcend the dualities of past and present, sacred and secular, material and spiritual. It calls us to embrace the Eternal Present, where all distinctions dissolve, and we perceive the unity of all existence. This path is not about rejecting the world but about seeing through its illusion to the deeper reality that underlies it. 

To walk this path, one must cultivate a state of mindfulness and presence. Meditation, contemplation, and other spiritual practices can help quiet the mind and open the heart to the truth of the Eternal Now. As we deepen in this awareness, the bell's sound transforms from a reminder of a bygone era to a call to the Divine, a call to awaken to our true nature. 


The bell rings, and in its sound, we hear the echoes of a religious past and the call to the Eternal Present. It invites us to awaken from the dream of day-to-day existence and to recognize the deeper reality that underlies all things. In this state of awakened consciousness, we see that quests, theories, efforts, and achievements are but facets of the dream, and we embrace the mystical path that leads us to the heart of the Eternal Now. 

In the end, the bell makes perfect sense, not as a relic of a forgotten past, but as a timeless symbol of the journey to awakening. It reminds us that beyond the illusion of time and space, there lies a deeper, unchanging reality, the Unique Reality of the Eternal Present. And in this realization, we find peace, joy, and the true meaning of existence. 


Η Ηχώ της Καμπάνας: Ένα μυστικιστικό ταξίδι στο χρόνο και τη συνείδηση 


Η καμπάνα χτυπά... 

από ποιά εποχή έρχεται; 



Η αντήχηση της αρχαίας καμπάνας 

Η καμπάνα χτυπά, ένας ήχος που ξεπερνά την άμεση στιγμή, κουβαλώντας μαζί του ηχώ από μια περασμένη εποχή. Αυτή η καμπάνα δεν ανήκει στο Τώρα. πηγάζει από ένα θρησκευτικό παρελθόν, μια εποχή βουτηγμένη σε τελετουργίες και πεποιθήσεις που η ανθρωπότητα φαινομενικά έχει υπερβεί. Ωστόσο, παρά την εξέλιξή μας, ο ήχος της καμπάνας παραμένει, μια στοιχειωμένη υπενθύμιση ενός κόσμου που ήταν κάποτε. Εξακολουθεί να έχει νόημα ή έχει γίνει αναχρονισμός, λείψανο χωρίς συνάφεια στη σύγχρονη εποχή μας; 

Η καμπάνα ως σύμβολο 

Η καμπάνα, σε πολλούς πολιτισμούς, συμβολίζει το θείο, ένα κάλεσμα για προσευχή ή έναν δείκτη του ιερού χρόνου. Είναι ένας ήχος που σημειώνει το εγκόσμιο, ανεβάζοντας τη στιγμή από το συνηθισμένο στο εξαιρετικό. Στα αρχαία μοναστήρια, η καμπάνα υπαγόρευε τον ρυθμό της ζωής, καλώντας τους μοναχούς σε διαλογισμό, προσευχή και περισυλλογή. Αντιπροσώπευε μια σύνδεση με κάτι μεγαλύτερο, μια υπενθύμιση του αιώνιου ανάμεσα στο πρόσκαιρο. 

Ωστόσο, στον σύγχρονο κόσμο μας, όπου η επιστήμη και η τεχνολογία κυριαρχούν, η σημασία της καμπάνας φαίνεται να έχει ξεθωριάσει. Οι ρυθμοί της σύγχρονης ζωής υπαγορεύονται από τα ρολόγια, τα χρονοδιαγράμματα και τις ψηφιακές ειδοποιήσεις και όχι από το ηχηρό χτύπημα ενός μιας καμπάνας. Το ιερό έχει αντικατασταθεί από το κοσμικό, το μυστικό από το υλικό. Το κάλεσμα της καμπάνας στο θείο μοιάζει πνιγμένο από την κακοφωνία της προόδου.  

Αφύπνιση στο αιώνιο παρόν 

Ωστόσο, υπάρχει μια βαθιά αλήθεια που βρίσκεται κάτω από την επιφάνεια αυτής της φαινομενικής ασυμφωνίας. Όταν κάποιος ξυπνά στο Αιώνιο Παρόν, τη Μοναδική Πραγματικότητα, αναδύεται μια εκπληκτική αποκάλυψη: όλα είναι ένα όνειρο. Το παρελθόν, με τη θρησκευτική του ζέση και τις μυστικιστικές πρακτικές, και το παρόν, με την αδιάκοπη επιδίωξη της προόδου και των επιτευγμάτων, δεν είναι παρά διαφορετικές όψεις της ίδιας ψευδαίσθησης. 

Σε αυτή την κατάσταση της αφυπνισμένης συνείδησης, αντιλαμβάνεται κανείς τη συνυφασμένη ταπετσαρία της ύπαρξης, όπου ο χρόνος είναι μια ψευδαίσθηση και όλες οι στιγμές συνυπάρχουν στο Αιώνιο Τώρα. Η καμπάνα, κάποτε σύμβολο του θρησκευτικού καθήκοντος, γίνεται κήρυξ αυτής της βαθύτερης αλήθειας. Μας υπενθυμίζει ότι οι κατασκευές των αναζητήσεων, των θεωριών, των προσπαθειών και των επιτευγμάτων, που θεωρούμε τόσο αγαπητές, ανήκουν στη σφαίρα της ονειροπόλησης. 

Το όνειρο της πραγματικότητας 

Για να κατανοήσει κανείς αυτή τη μυστικιστική προοπτική, πρέπει να εμβαθύνει στη φύση της ίδιας της πραγματικότητας. Οι σοφοί και οι μύστες της παλιάς εποχής συχνά μιλούσαν για τον κόσμο ως Μάγια, μια ψευδαίσθηση ή ένα όνειρο. Σύμφωνα με αυτή την άποψη, ο υλικός κόσμος, με όλη τη φαινομενική στερεότητα και μονιμότητά του, δεν είναι παρά μια παροδική εκδήλωση μιας βαθύτερης, υποβόσκουσας πραγματικότητας. Αυτή η βαθύτερη πραγματικότητα είναι διαχρονική, αμετάβλητη και αιώνια. 

Υπό το φως αυτής της κατανόησης, ο ήχος της καμπάνας δεν είναι απλώς μια ηχώ από ένα ξεχασμένο παρελθόν, αλλά μια υπενθύμιση αυτής της βαθύτερης αλήθειας. Μας καλεί να ξυπνήσουμε από το όνειρο της υλικής ύπαρξης και να αναγνωρίσουμε το Αιώνιο Παρόν. Σε αυτή την κατάσταση αφυπνισμένης επίγνωσης, βλέπουμε ότι οι αναζητήσεις μας για γνώση, οι θεωρίες μας για το σύμπαν, οι προσπάθειές μας να επιτύχουμε και να συσσωρεύσουμε, είναι όλα μέρος του ονείρου. 

 Αγκαλιάζοντας το Μυστικό Μονοπάτι 

Το μυστικιστικό μονοπάτι μας καλεί να υπερβούμε τις δυαδικότητες του παρελθόντος και του παρόντος, του ιερού και του κοσμικού, του υλικού και του πνευματικού. Μας καλεί να αγκαλιάσουμε το Αιώνιο Παρόν, όπου όλες οι διακρίσεις διαλύονται, και αντιλαμβανόμαστε την ενότητα κάθε ύπαρξης. Αυτό το μονοπάτι δεν έχει να κάνει με την απόρριψη του κόσμου αλλά με το να δούμε μέσα από την ψευδαίσθησή του τη βαθύτερη πραγματικότητα που τον κρύβει. 

Για να περπατήσει κανείς σε αυτό το μονοπάτι, πρέπει να καλλιεργήσει μια κατάσταση επίγνωσης και παρουσίας. Ο διαλογισμός, ο στοχασμός και άλλες πνευματικές πρακτικές μπορούν να βοηθήσουν να ηρεμήσει το μυαλό και να ανοίξει την καρδιά στην αλήθεια του Αιώνιου Τώρα. Καθώς εμβαθύνουμε σε αυτή την επίγνωση, ο ήχος της καμπάνας  μεταμορφώνεται από μια υπενθύμιση μιας περασμένης εποχής σε μια κλήση προς το Θείο, μια κλήση για αφύπνιση στην αληθινή μας φύση. 


Η καμπάνα χτυπά και στον ήχο της ακούμε τους απόηχους ενός θρησκευτικού παρελθόντος και το κάλεσμα στο Αιώνιο Παρόν. Μας καλεί να αφυπνιστούμε από το όνειρο της καθημερινής ύπαρξης και να αναγνωρίσουμε τη βαθύτερη πραγματικότητα που βρίσκεται κάτω από όλα τα πράγματα. Σε αυτή την κατάσταση αφυπνισμένης συνείδησης, βλέπουμε ότι οι αναζητήσεις, οι θεωρίες, οι προσπάθειες και τα επιτεύγματα δεν είναι παρά πτυχές του ονείρου και αγκαλιάζουμε το μυστικιστικό μονοπάτι που μας οδηγεί στην καρδιά του Αιώνιου Τώρα. 

Τελικά, η καμπάνα βγάζει νόημα, όχι ως λείψανο ενός ξεχασμένου παρελθόντος, αλλά ως διαχρονικό σύμβολο του ταξιδιού προς την αφύπνιση. Μας υπενθυμίζει ότι πέρα από την ψευδαίσθηση του χρόνου και του χώρου, υπάρχει μια βαθύτερη, αμετάβλητη πραγματικότητα, η Μοναδική Πραγματικότητα του Αιώνιου Παρόντος. Και σε αυτή τη συνειδητοποίηση, βρίσκουμε την ειρήνη, τη χαρά και το αληθινό νόημα της ύπαρξης. 





Constantinos’s quotes

"A "Soul" that out of ignorance keeps making mistakes is like a wounded bird with helpless wings that cannot fly high in the sky."— Constantinos Prokopiou

Meditation Music



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Δικαιώματα πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας

Το σύνολο του περιεχομένου του Δικτυακού μας τόπου, συμπεριλαμβανομένων, ενδεικτικά αλλά όχι περιοριστικά, των κειμένων, ειδήσεων, γραφικών, φωτογραφιών, σχεδιαγραμμάτων, απεικονίσεων, παρεχόμενων υπηρεσιών και γενικά κάθε είδους αρχείων, αποτελεί αντικείμενο πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας (copyright) και διέπεται από τις εθνικές και διεθνείς διατάξεις περί Πνευματικής Ιδιοκτησίας, με εξαίρεση τα ρητώς αναγνωρισμένα δικαιώματα τρίτων.

Συνεπώς, απαγορεύεται ρητά η αναπαραγωγή, αναδημοσίευση, αντιγραφή, αποθήκευση, πώληση, μετάδοση, διανομή, έκδοση, εκτέλεση, «λήψη» (download), μετάφραση, τροποποίηση με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο, τμηματικά η περιληπτικά χωρίς τη ρητή προηγούμενη έγγραφη συναίνεση του Ιδρύματος. Γίνεται γνωστό ότι σε περίπτωση κατά την οποία το Ίδρυμα συναινέσει, ο αιτών υποχρεούται για την ρητή παραπομπή μέσω συνδέσμων (hyperlinks) στο σχετικό περιεχόμενο του Δικτυακού τόπου του Ιδρύματος. Η υποχρέωση αυτή του αιτούντος υφίσταται ακόμα και αν δεν αναγραφεί ρητά στην έγγραφη συναίνεση του Ιδρύματος.

Κατ’ εξαίρεση, επιτρέπεται η μεμονωμένη αποθήκευση και αντιγραφή τμημάτων του περιεχομένου σε απλό προσωπικό υπολογιστή για αυστηρά προσωπική χρήση (ιδιωτική μελέτη ή έρευνα, εκπαιδευτικούς σκοπούς), χωρίς πρόθεση εμπορικής ή άλλης εκμετάλλευσης και πάντα υπό την προϋπόθεση της αναγραφής της πηγής προέλευσής του, χωρίς αυτό να σημαίνει καθ’ οιονδήποτε τρόπο παραχώρηση δικαιωμάτων πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας.

Επίσης, επιτρέπεται η αναδημοσίευση υλικού για λόγους προβολής των γεγονότων και δραστηριοτήτων του Ιδρύματος, με την προϋπόθεση ότι θα αναφέρεται η πηγή και δεν θα θίγονται δικαιώματα πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας, δεν θα τροποποιούνται, αλλοιώνονται ή διαγράφονται εμπορικά σήματα.

Ό,τι άλλο περιλαμβάνεται στις ηλεκτρονικές σελίδες του Δικτυακού μας τόπου και αποτελεί κατοχυρωμένα σήματα και προϊόντα πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας τρίτων ανάγεται στη δική τους σφαίρα ευθύνης και ουδόλως έχει να κάνει με τον Δικτυακό τόπο του Ιδρύματος.
